Q. By the way, when requesting IFR Tower Enroute to ground control, do we have
to file an IFR flight plan? A/FD says to write "TEC" in Remark section of
Flight Plan.
「A/FDにFlight PlanのRemarksに"TEC"を書くと言う記述があるが、実際はFlight Planが必要なのか」と聞いてみました。
A. Do you have to file IFR flight plan to get TEC? No.
「IFR Flight Planは必要か?」 回答は「No」です。
You can place "TEC" into the remarks and the flight service specialist or the clearance delivery controller should then amend the flight plan to reflect the TEC routing. You can file it if you know the routing as well.
もし、Remarksの所に「TEC」と記入すると、FSSやClearance DeliveryがTEC Routingを使う様にコースを修正します。
TEC is there for a reason and I've never heard anyone deny TEC. I've offered TEC to a few pilots (actually just did this today) as it is usually less coordination and it could also be one less frequency change for the pilot as well. In some instances it can allow the pilot to fly direct to the destination instead of over fix A, B, etc. You obviously do not have to accept TEC if you don't want it.
TECの存在には意味があり、TECを拒否したと聞いた事は有りません。 (今日も有ったけど)複数のパイロットにTECを提供・勧めた事も有ります。 (管制官や管制官同士との)調節も少ないし、周波数の変更も少ない。 場合によっては、複数のFix A や B などと飛行する必要が無くなり、Directで飛行する事も可能になります。 もちろん、TECを使いたくなければ拒否する事も出来ます。
Also in some cases, if the Center would shut down one of their sectors that overlies a busy airport you can try and get other aircraft in to that airport by asking them if they will take TEC. It makes the Center mad but they're going to remain in the terminal environment so Center doesn't have to worry about them and the aircraft doesn't have to take a huge delay.
(ちょっと特殊なんで、訳は控えます。 この段落は想定外の回答ですけど、知っていると有利ですね。)