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Tower En Route Control ちょっと詳しい説明

The control of IFR en route traffic within delegated airspace between two or more adjacent approach control facilities.

全ての空港や空域で可能と言う訳じゃ無いのですが、多忙な空域(Metropolitan Area)付近で使える可能性があります。
大きな特徴は、Centerの空域を使わないフライトに限定され、Approachが管理する空域内を 飛行する事になります。 

フォーラムで頂いた回答: AOPAより

TEC is basically preferred IFR routes that don't get into the En route structure. In other words, you take off from one airport, get handed-off to the departure controller, then to the destination airport (or the approach controller handing that airport).

TECは基本的にPreferred IFR Routeの一つで、空域のEn Route部分(Centerの部分)を飛行しない物です。TECでは空港から離陸し、Departure Controllerそして、着陸空港などのAppraoch Controllerに引き継がれて行く飛行方法です。

(Preferred IFR Route 忙しい空港の間に設定された計器飛行用の優先ルート、若しくは推奨ルート。)

Because you don't actually get into the en route system, you bypass a lot of coordination steps that must be managed for you behind the scenes. This makes the flight much more efficient, and reduces the time you might otherwise have to wait for your clearance.

En Route部分を飛行しないので、操縦士では知る事の得ない複雑な手続きや調節が不要となります。その結果、飛行の効率が良くなり、クリアランスを待つ不要な時間をセーブ出来ます。

注意: このケース(TEC)ではTowerと言う名前は、ATCT, Air Traffic Control Towerの事で、空港から約40マイルぐらいで高度が6,000〜10,000フィートのApproachやDeparture Controllerを含んだ管制官を意味しています。 (この様な時の説明では管制塔はLocal Controllerとして区別します。) Tower En Routeと言うのは管制塔だけを意味しているのでは無く、AppraochやTowerと思って下さい。またATCTでも半径数マイルで高さが2000フィートぐらいの時も有るでしょう。詳しくはLOAで決まります。

  • なお、大きさや高度、手順はCenterとTowerとの合意書類(Letter of Agreement, LOA)に明記されています。
  • LOAには、手順などが明記されていますが、知らなくても飛行は安全に行えます。(管制官どうしの取り決めです。)
  • ATCTにはGround, Local Controller, Approach, Departure, Clearance Delivery, そしてFlight Data Controllerが含まれています。

ATCT、Air Traffic Control Towerの事なんですが、管制塔は通常ではTowerと言いますので、誤解が生じやすくなってます。
また、この場合では一般的な管制塔は"Tower Cab"と言われます。 Local Controllerや Ground Controllerが居る所。

Fundamentals of AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL 5th Edition by Michael S. Nolan より

When it is operationally advantageour for an ARTCC to delegate separation responsibility to an air traffic control tower (ATCT), an appropriate letter of agreement is drafted by repsentatives of both the tower and the center. This letter of agreement delineates the control tower's area of responsibility and formally transfers the responsibility for aircraft separation to the tower. In most cases, the control tower is delegated the responsibility for separation of participating aircraft operation within about a 40-miles radius of the airport. This airspace usully extends from the Earth's surface up to an altitude if 6,000 to 10,000 MSL.

安心して頂きたいのは、VFR機はCenterとの交信は義務付けられていません。ATCTやTowerの範囲が40マイルで有っても、交信義務は有りません。 ただ、誰がその空域を管制しているか?だけの事です。 IFR機なら、事前の管制官が次の責任者と周波数を教えてくれますし、間違えていれば、正しい管制官や周波数を伝えてくれます。 ですから、皆さんは深く考えない様にね。

通常Towerと言われれば、管制塔の事と理解して頂ければ十分です。 半径が40マイルのTowerも間違いでは無いのですが、飛行する際には深く考えなくても大丈夫です。 Towerは離着陸時の管制、と理解しておけば十分です。 TECとかARTCCとか、ATCの事を細かく話すような特殊な場合以外では考えない方が良いです。

例: Memphis ARTCC (Center)とMemphis ATCT(TowerとApproach)の間にあるLetter of Agreement (LOA)
例2: Atlanta Center

Stuck Mic と言う管制官の多いサイトでフォーラムで問い合わせました。 http://www.stuckmic.com/

私(Cessna172 という名前で) Help me on Tower Enroute Control (TEC), Please
Please help me. I have a questions regarding TEC (Tower Enroute Control) and asked several pilots, but everyone give me different answers.

Where is the "Tower En Route Control (TEC)" available? Is it available in ANY airfield which are located under same or contiguous (touching) approach control airspace?

Looking at all of A/FD, there are only 3 TEC's listed. Does it mean TEC is available only those areas listed? (SOCAL and Norheast US)

(If available at any or other Terminal Area with approach control)
How does a user (a pilot) know which airports have TEC available?

I had used tower enroute clearance in SFO area when I get my IFR rating 20+ years ago....(SFO Area is not listed in the A/FD)

I am just a pilot, but please help me.


TEC is where the flight path of the aircraft never leaves the terminal juristiction, just being handed off between terminal radar facilities. Here in the northeast a large majority of the lower altitudes belong exclusively to terminal facilities. So it is possible for an aircraft to fly 200-300 miles at low altitude (<10,000 or so, but sometimes higher/lower) without ever talking to a center. Additionally because of congestion, route structure etc. often times for routes between certain destinations for certain types TEC is mandatory. IE a turboprop going from DC metro to NY metro is all TEC.

--- CLEATAC2010 (クリーブランド:CLE ATCT: Air Traffic Control Tower)

You may also hear these as 'PDAR' or Preferential Departure Arrival Routes. In any case, TEC still exists and from what I've ever found, much of it is not published. It's something controllers may offer if an aircraft files a flight plan that has non standard routing out of their terminal area. Here at CLE, we do offer TEC to Detroit, Erie, Youngstown, Pittsburgh (either through YNG or CAK), Akron-Canton, Mansfield, and Toledo. It is typically at lower altitudes and that aircraft will not have to talk to a Center.

---次の回答 CLEATCT2010

The best thing to do is just ask the Clearance and/or ground controller if they can get tower enroute to their destination. I would say that almost any airport with an approach facility would be able to provide the service (basically that includes Class B and C airports and probably Class D airports with a TRSA or Class D airports within Class B or C airspace.

It doesn't necessarily have to be published. I tried the website that was posted and nothing came up for CLE but if you searched PIT you got results. This is probably because PITs TEC routes are defined and CLEs routes are primarily "direct" because of the LOAs CLE has with surrounding facilities. The best thing to do is just ask and see if its available.

Remarksに"TEC"と書く様にとA/FDや他のFAAのテキストに書いてあるが、TECではFlight Planは必要なの?


No you don't have to file an IFR flight plan to go tower enroute, but if you are flying VFR to somewhere, you do need to tell clearance delivery that you are requesting VFR flight following to your destination, otherwise the approach controller may terminate your radar service prior to leaving their airspace. If you want to guarantee radar service the entire way then file IFR.

The difference in the system is:

Just VFR: you are given a local transponder code and provided flight following until you near the boundry.

VFR with Flight Following: Clearance deliver will input your flight into the NAS, you will receive a NAS generated transponder code which will allow the approach controller to hand off your data tag to the next controller. You are still VFR but are receiving radar service.


Last couple of posters have answered most of your post. Do you have to file IFR flight plan to get TEC? No. You can place "TEC" into the remarks and the flight service specialist or the clearance delivery controller should then amend the flight plan to reflect the TEC routing. You can file it if you know the routing as well.

TEC is there for a reason and I've never heard anyone deny TEC. I've offered TEC to a few pilots (actually just did this today) as it is usually less coordination and it could also be one less frequency change for the pilot as well. In some instances it can allow the pilot to fly direct to the destination instead of over fix A, B, etc. You obviously do not have to accept TEC if you don't want it.

Also in some cases, if the Center would shut down one of their sectors that overlies a busy airport you can try and get other aircraft in to that airport by asking them if they will take TEC. It makes the Center mad but they're going to remain in the terminal environment so Center doesn't have to worry about them and the aircraft doesn't have to take a huge delay.


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