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友達が、実際のApproach Controllerに電話で聞いてくれました。その時のメール報告:

I asked him about TEC. He said it's usually between overlapping TRACONs. He said the reason they don't list them is because most places with OVERLAPPING TRACONs have them and it would cost too much money to print and remove the information.

多くの複数のTRACONが連続してる(Overlapping)空域にTECが存在している。 (A/FDに)記載されていないのは、公表したり、削除するには多くの費用が必要になるので、掲載されていないそうです。 

He said, "A pilot who wants to go some where will call and ask for a Tower Enroute. We'll put it on a strip and monitor it while they fly to the next airport." He also said they usually DO NOT put the strip (aircraft flight information) into the computer unless there's a specific reason or the other TRACON isn't overlapping. He said he worked in Detroit and people would do it all the time, but it was "mostly GA."

TECの情報は、通常ではコンピューターに入力はしないそうです。 聞いた人はTECの無いHilo TRACONの人でしたが、以前はデトロイトでした。

I hope that helps. I will call another one if you're not satisified. But, here's the points of our conversation. 会話の内容を整理すると。

1) The FAA doesn't list all the Tower Enroutes because it's assumed that all overlapping TRACONS have them.
2) They don't list them because it would cost too much money to print and delete the information.
3) Tower Enroutes are usually between OVERLAPPING TRACONs.
    通常、Overlapping TRACON、連続したAppraochにある。 (RAPCON 空軍の管制官とかも含む)
4) Mostly GA aircraft use Tower Enroute.
5) There has to be two participating TRACONs. Participation is voluntary and is determined by volume. When volume increases, they activate it. When volume decreases, they deactive it. That's why it's not listed in every FDC, because "it would cost too much and be too time consuming to keep making the changes."
  最低でも二つのTRACONが必要で、 TRACONの任意と交通量で決まる。飛行機の量が増えたらTECが可能になったりとする。
  この様な理由でFDC (Flight Data Center)にはリストされていません。 膨大な時間が無駄になる。
   なお、FDCにはルートが無いので、Flight PlanにはRemarksに"TEC"しか書けませんが、管制官が調節してくれます。
6) You have to ask if it's available. It is available in all states, but since the two TRACONs have to be participating, one TRACON might say yes, but the other one may say no.


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