Private Pilot Ground School モドキ
- Parts of Airplane
- Know the major parts on an airplane, Fuselage, Wings, Empennage, Landing gears, and Powerplant.
Understand major factions of major parts.
- Fuselage
- Seats for passengers and pilot (Cabin)
- Baggage Area
- Makes an airplane
- Instruments, flight controls, other parts are connected or installed, Body
- holds engines, wings, tails, landing gears, antennas, and others
- Wing (main wings)
- Creates Lift
- Aileron
- Flaps
- Has Main (or only) Fuel Tank
- Empennage (Tail)
- Vertical Stabilizer & Rudder
- Horizontal Stabilizer & Elevator
- Landing gear
- Tricycle (Main gear,Nose gear) vs. Conventional (Main gear, Tail wheel)
- Fixed (simple, affordable and easy) vs. Retractable (faster, fuel efficient, and longer range)
- Powerplant
- Engine (Reciprocating or Turbine Engines)
- Propeller (Fixed or Constant-Speed, Adjustable)
- Aircraft Classification (What is Aircraft? Airplane? What is different? Aircrafts are classified into small groups)
- Airman Certification
(for pilots)
- Category (Airplane, Rotorcraft, Glider and Lighter-than-Air)
- Class (Airplane: Single or Multi Engine & Land or Sea, Rotorcraft: Helicopter or Gyroplane)
- Type (e.g. Cessna 152, Boeing 787, Airbus 380, F-15)
- Aircraft Certification
(for machine)
- Category (Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, Commuter, Transport, Experiment......)
- Class (Airplane, Gyroplane, Lighter-than-Air, Glider)
- Type (e.g. Cessna 152, Boeing 787, Airbus 380, F-15)