Basic GPS NavigationManaging GPS Distractions
Using GPS, pilots can easily focus primarily on details such as course information and ETE without tracking progress on a chart, monitoring weather, or scanning for traffic. Blindly following GPS guidance can lead to airspace incursions or controlled flight into terrain.
Consider the following ways in managing GPS distractions: Disregarding Irrelevant InformationBeing overly attentive to irrelevant information can lead to a loss of situational awareness. Addressing Automation SurpriseBeing distracted by automated systems that do not respond as expected, known as automation surprise, can lead to increased head-down time as pilots investigate the cause. This can lead to a loss of situational awareness. To mitigate automation surprise, you should
以前の方式(VOR等)では、Minor Errorが起き易かったですが、結構簡単に気が付き、修正も簡単でした。(例えばVORの周波数を間違えると、反応が無く直ぐに間違いに気づく) GPSでは小さなエラーは少ないのですが、大きな失敗を起しがちで。また気づき難い傾向が有ります。(頼りすぎとか)。 間違えて、1000キロ以上離れた場所に目的地点を合わせても、GPSでは中々気が付きません。しかし昔の方式では、電波が届かないので、直ぐに間違いに気が付きます。 その様な事は、飛行時間ではカバーできませんが、何時でも複数の者やチャートで確認をする事で気づきます。 GPSと従来の方式との違いは
Explaining GPS and VOR Displays GPS courses might not always agree with VOR courses, but differences are slight (due to greater GPS accuracy, magnetic variation from various data sources, and methods of calculating and charting great circle routes). However, both are accurate to the level required. More importantly, GPS-driven CDIs present a distance off course rather than an angular deviation. Understanding Operational Tasks and Design FeaturesMake sure you understand the basic operation of the GPS navigation system of any aircraft in which you choose to use. Here is a minimum set of navigation tasks you should be able to use for any given GPS navigation system:
For an IFR system, you should be able to: IFR・GPSなら
Before in-flight training or cross country, review design features using sources such as GPS POHs and simulators. The Importance of Programming a Flight PlanCompared to direct-to routing, you can gain improved situational awareness by programming a flight plan because you can visualize and understand the position relative to sequential waypoints instead of just the destination. Also, ensure that you know how to create a direct-to route that follows a specific ground track, rather than the default track from the present position.
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