Private Pilot Ground School モドキ
- Dead Reckoning
- Variation
- Magnetic compass does not indicate north pole. It Indicates MAGNETIC NORTH.
- The difference between true north pole and magnetic north measured in degree is VARIATION.
- It varies from place to place.
- 15°30' E
- East is Least (+) West is Best (-)
- True xxx = from North Pole, True North, (T)
- Magnetic xxx =from Magnetic North (M)
- True course & Variation = MAGNETIC COURSE
- Magnetic course & Wind correction angle = MAGNETIC HEADING
- Compass Deviation
- It is produced by disturbance from magnetic fields produced by metal and electrical accessories inside.
- Magnetic heading + Deviation = COMPASS HEADING
- Predict Course and Time from POH Data and Winds Aloft Forecast, then Correct in the air
- VOR - VHF Omni Range
- VOR receiver indicates POSITION of you relative to the station.
- It only knows which radial you are on.
- Choose desire VOR station by setting the frequency.
- It can be identified with morse code
- must confirm the morse code (could be wrong station or VOR may be down)
- Choose desired radial by setting OBS
- The indicator show the relative location compare to selected radial.
- Does not matter what heading, but only on which radial you are on.
- VOR Test facility VOT
- Set the OBS 180 = TO or 380 = FROM (Cessna 182 => One Eighty Two => One Eighty and TO)
- Maximum = acceptable deviation is 4
- satellites on the space
- measures distance from satellites
- you know your position in a sphere from each satellite
- more you recieve, the sphere intercepts and your location is identified.
- GPS determines position, by receiving
- 2 satellites = it knows positron in a circle
- 3 satellites = it knows 2 possible position, but don't know which
- 4 satellites = it knows location of the aircraft (GPS receiver)
- 5 or more = accuracy goes up
- computers relate position and database to tell us position, direction, speed, altitude and your plans
- Non-Directional radio Beacon NDB
- NDB station can be found by an Automatic directional finder = ADF
- They were primary navigation system before VORs, but fading out.
- Relative Bearing (RB): Degrees between nose and station. (Shown on an ADF)
- Magnetic Bearing to the station (MB): The heading-to fly directly to the station.
- MB (TO) = RB + MH
- MB (FROM) = MB(TO) +/- 180