What is the Alien Flight Student Program (AFSP)?The mission of the Alien Flight Student Program (AFSP) is to ensure that foreign students seeking training at flight schools regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) do not pose a threat to aviation or national security. AFSPは外国人がFAAの飛行学校で訓練を受ける際に、航空業界や米国に脅威を与えない事を確認する為です。 Section 612 of the Vision 100 - Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act (Public Law 108-176, December 12, 2003) prohibits flight schools regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from providing flight training to a foreign student unless the Secretary of Homeland Security first determines that the student does not pose a threat to aviation or national security. この法律ではHomeland Securityが確認するまで飛行機学校が訓練をする事を禁じています。 Vision 100 transferred responsibility for conducting security threat assessments for foreign students seeking flight training from the Department of Justice to the Department of Homeland Security. On September 20, 2004, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued an interim final rule establishing the Alien Flight Student Program (AFSP). (Vison 100の法律は、責任を司法省からHomelandに移行し、2004年9月20日にTSAがAFSPを作りましたと書かれています。 ただ分からないのが、Interim Final Ruleです。 Final Ruleは「決定した決まり」ですが、Interimには暫定的という意味があります。 たぶん、今の間はこのルールで行きましょうと言う意味と思います。) Legal notices are available on the Candidate and Provider menus. These include the notices about the Vision 100 - Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act, Paperwork Reduction Act, Information Verification, and Privacy and Security within the AFSP website. (これは省略しますが AFSPのサイトにVision 100等が出ています。) For more information, first review the Flight Training for Aliens and Other Designated Individuals; Security Awareness Training for Flight School Employees Interim Final Rule (IFR) 49 CFR 1552, which is available at http://www.tsa.gov/assets/pdf/IFR_Alien_Pilot.pdf. Also review the rulemaking docket, which contains exemptions, interpretations, and other legal documents associated with the IFR. The rulemaking docket is available at http://dms.dot.gov. For the AFSP rulemaking docket, click on "Simple Search" and then enter the docket number for the AFSP rulemaking docket (19147) and click on "Search". (学校向きに書かれていますので、これも省略します。 でもIFRは計器飛行と言う意味では無いのでご注意を。英語に自信が有る人はPDFを読むともっとよく分かるかも。) If you have further questions regarding legal notices on AFSP policy, please send questions with all relevant details by e-mail to AFSP.Help@dhs.gov. (質問が有る人はHelp@dhs.govまでメールしてください。 日本語じゃ無理でしょうけど、私も知らない事なんで、疑問は彼らにお願いします。 多少の訳はしますけど。) What is the Alien Flight Student Program (AFSP)? AFSPって何?
Who must participate in the Alien Flight Student Program? 誰がAFSPに参加(申請)する必要があるの? What category do I qualify for? あなたのカテゴリーは? (4つのカテゴリーがあります。) When is a flight student exempt from the TSA security threat assessment? 除外される場合や人は? What is the Alien Flight Student Program (AFSP) Process? AFSPの手順は(かなり簡略されてます。) What happens after I submit a category 1-3 training request? (申請後はどうなるの?) |