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What category do I qualify for?  (AFSP)

Candidates seeking flight training are separated into one of four different categories. A brief explanation of the categories follows: AFSPには4つのカテゴリー分けがされていますので、それを簡単に説明します。

Category 1 - Candidates who seek flight training in the operation of aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight greater than 12,500 pounds, but who do not fall into Category 2.

Category 2 - Candidates who seek flight training in the operation of aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight greater than 12,500 pounds, and who:

Are employed by a foreign air carrier that operates under 14 CFR part 1546;  外国の航空会社の社員 か、
Have unescorted access authority to a secured area of an airport under U.S.C 44936(a)(1)(A)(ii),49 CFR 1542.229; 左の法律で定められている場所に入れる人間か、
Are a flight crew member who has successfully completed a criminal history records check in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.230; or 左の法律で定められている犯罪者確認をされている者 か
Hold an airman's certificate that is recognized by the FAA or appropriate US military agency, with a type rating for a multi-engine aircraft that has a certificated takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or more.  多発機で12,500ポンド以上のFAAか米軍の資格を得ているもの。

Category1と2は大型機用で、Category 1の方が厳しいみたいですね。 どちらにせよ私には縁が無いな。。。。。

Category 3 - Candidates who seek flight training in the operation of aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or less for the following training events:
皆に関係有りそう。 最大離陸重量が12,500ポンドかそれ以下の航空機を操縦する者で、 それプラス

Initial airman's certificate, including a private, recreational, or sport pilot certificate. 初めて資格を取る者。(Private, Recreatonal, Sportを含む)か、
Instrument Rating (IR)  計器飛行証明を取る者か、
Multi-Engine Rating (MEL)  多発機の資格を習得する者か、
Training on very light jet aircraft with a specific type rating  軽量のジェット機でType Ratingが必要な航空機で訓練をする者

Each of these training events requires a separate training request. 上記の4つの場合には、別々に訓練リクエストが必要になります。 Private保持者でもMultiとIFRを目指すなら、二つのリクエストが必要になるんですね。 (同時には出来るかは私には不明です。)

Category 4 - Candidates who seek recurrent training in the operation of aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight greater than 12,500 pounds, and are current and qualified on the aircraft for which they are requesting training.  最大離陸重量が12,500ポンド以上の航空機で、免許を保有し、Current(法律的に操縦できる者)がRecurrent Training(習得後に定められた訓練)を受ける者。 これも大型機だけど、既に免許を持ている者を意識しているみたいですね。

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