What category do I qualify for? (AFSP) Candidates seeking flight training are separated into one of four different categories. A brief explanation of the categories follows: AFSPには4つのカテゴリー分けがされていますので、それを簡単に説明します。 Category 1 - Candidates who seek flight training in the operation of aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight greater than 12,500 pounds, but who do not fall into Category 2. Category 2 - Candidates who seek flight training in the operation of aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight greater than 12,500 pounds, and who: Are employed by a foreign air carrier that operates under 14 CFR part 1546; 外国の航空会社の社員 か、 Category1と2は大型機用で、Category 1の方が厳しいみたいですね。 どちらにせよ私には縁が無いな。。。。。 Category 3 - Candidates who seek flight training in the operation of aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or less for the following training events: Initial airman's certificate, including a private, recreational, or sport pilot certificate. 初めて資格を取る者。(Private, Recreatonal, Sportを含む)か、
Category 4 - Candidates who seek recurrent training in the operation of aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight greater than 12,500 pounds, and are current and qualified on the aircraft for which they are requesting training. 最大離陸重量が12,500ポンド以上の航空機で、免許を保有し、Current(法律的に操縦できる者)がRecurrent Training(習得後に定められた訓練)を受ける者。 これも大型機だけど、既に免許を持ている者を意識しているみたいですね。 What is the Alien Flight Student Program (AFSP)? AFSPって何?
Who must participate in the Alien Flight Student Program? 誰がAFSPに参加(申請)する必要があるの? What category do I qualify for? あなたのカテゴリーは? (4つのカテゴリーがあります。) When is a flight student exempt from the TSA security threat assessment? 除外される場合や人は? What is the Alien Flight Student Program (AFSP) Process? AFSPの手順は(かなり簡略されてます。) What happens after I submit a category 1-3 training request? (申請後はどうなるの?) |