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When is a flight student exempt from the TSA security threat assessment?

TSAのルール(Security Threat Assessmnet)が除外されるか。(不要になるか)

There are currently six exemptions to the required TSA security threat assessment:


1. U.S. Citizens and Nationals are exempt from the TSA security threat assessment. Flight students must provide the flight school with ne of the following options as proof of U.S. citizenship:


Valid, unexpired U.S. passport; or
Certified birth certificate AND government-issued photo ID; or
U.S naturalization certificate with raised seal AND government-issued photo ID; or
Certificate of U.S. citizenship with raised seal AND government-issued photo ID; or
(For federal or military employees only) Employer''s official proof of U.S. citizenship AND federal- or military-issued photo ID, pursuant to a contract between the federal agency and the flight school.

Please Note: Federal or military employees who are non-U.S. citizens are NOT exempt from TSA.
(注意: 連邦政府や米軍の従業員でも、米国籍の無い者は、TSAからは除外されません。)

Category 3 Clarification - For flight training in the operation of aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 12,500 lbs. or less,
Candidates must obtain AFSP approval for the following training events:

Category 3に関係する人(離陸最大重量が12,500ポンドかそれ以下の航空機を操縦する者)で除外されるのは下記を除く者です。

Initial airman's certificate pilot certificate. 自家用などの初期免許の訓練を受ける者
Instrument Rating (IR) 計器飛行の訓練を受ける者。
Multi-Engine Rating (MEL) 多発期の訓練を受ける者
Training on very light jet aircraft with a specific type rating 軽量のジェット機でType Ratingが必要な者

All other training events on aircraft with MTOW of 12,500 lbs. or less are exempt from AFSP regulations, including Commercial Pilot License (CPL),
Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL), and Certified Flight Instructor (CFI).

既にFAA Privateを持っている人なら、遊びで乗って良いと理解できます。 でも日本の免許から書き換えた者はどうなるでしょうかは疑問です。FAAに書き換える事がInitail Airman Pilot Certificateになるのでしょ うか??? 説明が出来ずにすいません!

Category 3 Rotorcraft Requirements - Candidates who seek flight training in the operation of rotorcraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or less are subject to the above Category 3 clarification. Candidates must obtain approval for the initial license, instrument rating or multi-engine rating if the pilot does not hold a fixed-wing equivalent.


DoD Endorsements - Aliens who have been endorsed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) are exempted from the TSA security threat assessment. To  verify that the alien has been endorsed by the U.S. DoD, a letter from the  DoD Attache at the U.S. Embassy in the alien''s country of residence must be  presented to the Flight Training Provider. A provider may access a sample  letter by logging into the AFSP website, and viewing the links section. A  DoD attache must fill in the required fields, place the letter on DoD letterhead, sign it, and send it to the Provider via fax or standard mail.
米軍に所属した事が無いので、ハッキリとは理解できませんが、外国籍でも米国の兵隊さんなら免除されるのでしょうか。 そのような手続きが書かれています。

Ultralight Aircraft - Flight training in the operation of airships, balloons, and gliders are exempted from the TSA security threat assessment.

ウルトラ・ライト航空機 − 飛行船・気球・グライダーはTSAの決まりから除外されます。(申し訳ございませんが、TSAのUltralight Aircraftの定義がよく分かりません。FAAならAirshipは Lighter-than-Airとかになると思うけど、なんか違うんですよね。)

Demonstration and familiarization flights - Demonstration flights for marketing purposes, and familiarization flights (also called "intro" or "discovery" flights) are also exempted from the TSA security threat assessment.

体験飛行や購入を目的としたデモンストレーション飛行はTSAのSecurity Threat Assementから除外されると書いてあります。でも免許を習得が目的で渡米した者は駄目だと思います。 目的を持ってきた時点でDemo Flgihtにならないと思うからです。 ここらは教官やTSAに問い合わせてください。

These are documented exemptions to the TSA assessment through AFSP. If you do not see your situation described above, but believe that it may still
qualify as an exemption, please send an email with a description of your situation to AFSP.Help@dhs.gov for review.

The Interim Final Rule
あまりにも凄いので読む気になりませんでしたが、詳しくは見てください。 それに私の訳が100%でもありませんので、訳は参考にお願いします。

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