Private Pilot Ground School モドキ
- Hypoxia
- It is a state of oxygen deficiency in the blood stream
- Symptom: Headache., Dizziness, Restless, Sleepiness Euphoria (a happy feeling), Lowers Vision
- Treatment: Use Aviation Oxygen and Descend ASAP
- Hyperventilation
- Chemical imbalance of blood.
- Excessive amount of air is breathed out too much Carbon Dioxide from blood, and
- Too much oxygen is in the body.
- caused by excessive breathing
- too much emotional stress, fear.
- Symptoms: Dizziness, hot or cold sensations, lips or nail become blue. (and Panic)
- Treatment:
- Slow the breathing rate.
- Talk or sing aloud.
- always relax
- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- CO is colorless, odorless and tasteless gas and
- very little CO significantly reduce one's ability to do anything and may cause death.
- Blocks Hemoglobin to exchanges of Oxygen and CO2
- There is a chance that the carbon monoxide comes into the cabin from hot air of a leaking heater,
- CO is in exhaust gas from engine
- if you smell exhaust gas, shut down the heater and land ASPS
- Never take a chances - colorless and odorless - you don't know
- Symptoms: Headache, nausea, dizziness ,loss of muscle power
usually, you lose muscle power or consciousness before taking any action
- Treatment: Stop the heater, open the window, and breath fresh air, decent and land.
- Spatial Disorientation (Vertigo)
- It is the state of temporary confusion of brain by misleading information is sent.
- You don't know airplanes attitude and lose control then crush.
- easily happens in cloud or clear night.
- It happens to anyone in nature, training can only help.
- If you suspect Spatial Disorientation, trust instrument, but never yourself.
- continuously scan all instruments but never stare only one instrument. (no more than 1 second each)
- Night Flying
- Off center viewing
- your eye needs at least 30 minutes to adjust dark
- Consider using Supplemental Aviation Oxygen above 5,000 feet
- Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM)
- Systematic Approach to the metal process for better decision Makings
- should be used by pilots to consistently make the best course of action
- Pilots and Human Errors is the biggest factor on accidents
- Risk Management
- How do you cope risk?
- decision making process to cope with risks, relies on
- situational awareness
- problem recognition
- good judgment
- P-P-P (other way to think)
- PERCEIVE hazards
- PROCESS to evaluate level of risk
- PERFORM risk management
- 4 risk element (PAVE)
- Pilots, Aircraft, enViroment, External pressure
- There are all way some risks, but which and when take it or refuse it?
- Operational Pittholes
- dangerous tendency or behavior
- Peer Pressure
- Mind Set
- Scud Running
- VFR to IMC
- Neglect of checklist
- there are lot more of those
- Antiauthority, Impulsivity, Invulnerability, Macho, Resignation
- recognize hazardous attitude or thought
- label it and correct by ANTIDOTE
- These are only few of ADMs, search and study for a safe flight