ATC:航空無線      筆記試験 > PVT : IFR      PTS:飛行試験項目      お勉強室      航空辞書      けいじ板  

FAAの筆記試験(Knowledge Exam)について。 :  Privateの筆記試験について : PVTの問題へ : IFR、筆記の解説 : IFR問題へ

Subject: Learning Statement Reference Guide for Airman Knowledge Testing
September 28, 2007

(今までのAC 60-25F, Reference Materials and Subject Matter Knowledge Codes (6/8/2004)はキャンセルとなりましたが、筆記試験の結果は2年間有効なのでAC 60-25Fは2009年09月30日まで使われます。以前のPrivate Pilot用のTest Code

ここは整備士さんの問題です。 A&Pとも言うのですが、ここはPowerplantと言ってエンジンに関する問題集です。整備士になるにはこれと、Generalを受ける必要が有ります。私の時はPowerplantも2部に分かれてたけど、今はどうなんでしょうね。Pwerplantは得意で100点と95点でした。まあ整備士の資格は取らなかったので無意味ですけどね。。。。。操縦士には関係有りませんよ。

for Aviation Mechanic - Powerplant Exam

AMP001 Recall aircraft alternators - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP002 Recall aircraft batteries - capacity / charging / types / storage / rating / precautions
AMP003 Recall aircraft carburetor - icing / anti-icing
AMP004 Recall aircraft component markings
AMP005 Recall aircraft cooling system - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP006 Recall aircraft electrical system - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP007 Recall aircraft engine - inspections / cleaning
AMP008 Recall aircraft engines - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP009 Recall aircraft engines - indicating system
AMP010 Recall aircraft fire classifications
AMP011 Recall aircraft hydraulic systems - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP012 Recall aircraft instruments - types / components / operating principles / characteristics / markings
AMP013 Recall airflow systems - Bellmouth compressor inlet
AMP014 Recall airframe - inspections
AMP015 Recall altitude compensator / aneroid valve
AMP016 Recall anti-icing / deicing - methods / systems
AMP017 Recall Auxiliary Power Units - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP018 Recall Auxiliary Power Units - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP019 Recall axial flow compressor - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP020 Recall basic physics - matter / energy / gas
AMP021 Recall carburetor - effects of carburetor heat / heat control
AMP022 Recall carburetors - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP023 Recall carburetors - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP024 Recall data - approved
AMP025 Recall DC electric motors - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP026 Recall electrical system - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP027 Recall engine cooling system - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP028 Recall engine cooling system - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP029 Recall engine lubricating oils - function / grades / viscosity / types
AMP030 Recall engine lubricating system - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP031 Recall engine lubricating system - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP032 Recall engine operations - thrust / thrust reverser
AMP033 Recall engine pressure ratio - EPR
AMP034 Recall fire detection system - types / components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP035 Recall fire detection systems - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP036 Recall fire extinguishing systems - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP037 Recall float type carburetor - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP038 Recall float type carburetor - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP039 Recall fuel - types / characteristics / contamination / fueling / defueling / dumping
AMP040 Recall fuel / oil - anti-icing / deicing
AMP041 Recall fuel system - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP042 Recall fuel system - install / troubleshoot / service / repair
AMP043 Recall fuel system - types
AMP044 Recall generator system - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP045 Recall information on an Airworthiness Directive
AMP046 Recall magneto - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP047 Recall magneto - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP048 Recall maintenance publications - service / parts / repair
AMP049 Recall piston assembly - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP050 Recall powerplant design - structures / components
AMP051 Recall pressure type carburetor - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP052 Recall propeller system - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP053 Recall propeller system - types/ components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP054 Recall radial engine - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP055 Recall radial engine - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP056 Recall reciprocating engine - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP057 Recall reciprocating engine - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP058 Recall regulations - maintenance reports / records / entries
AMP059 Recall regulations - privileges / limitations of maintenance certificates / licences
AMP060 Recall regulations - privileges of approved maintenance organizations
AMP061 Recall rotor system - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP062 Recall sea level - standard temperature / pressure
AMP063 Recall starter / ignition system - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP064 Recall starter / ignition system - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP065 Recall starter system - starting procedures
AMP066 Recall thermocouples - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP067 Recall thermocouples - install / inspect / repair / service
AMP068 Recall turbine engines - components / operational characteristics / associated instruments
AMP069 Recall turbine engines - install / inspect / repair / service / hazards
AMP070 Recall turbocharger system - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP071 Recall turbojet - components / operating principles / characteristics
AMP072 Recall type certificate data sheet (TCDS) / supplemental type certificate (STC)
AMP073 Recall welding types / techniques / equipment

for Aviation Mechanic - Powerplant Exam

他のFAA Airman Knowledge Exam (Written Exam) Test Codes のリストへ

操縦士 1 ・  ・  ・  ・  ・ Parachute Rigger ・整備士 General ・ Airframe ・Powerplanet ・ Inspection Authorization



新しい図が発表されました。 Private Pilot : Instrument Ratingへの追加版 (2014-02)

Private Pilotの筆記試験 : 2008年-03月分  (和訳&解説付き) : 2007年度版 : 2008年09月分 
計器飛行の試験問題 : 2009年06月 (和訳&解説付) : 2007年 
ADM (Aeronautical Decision Makings)の問題:  ADM Questions (Pvt & Comm)

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