Private Pilot Ground School モドキ
- Weather Briefing
- Getting Weather Data by calling a Flight service station FSS
- Standard Briefing (all information, almost)
- Abbreviate Briefing (to update, supplement, and limited)
- Outlook briefing (for a flight 6 or more hours later)
- when requesting by a phone, tell
- yourself as a pilot (N-Number or Your name if no N-Number yet)
- type of aircraft
- type of flight (VFR or IFR)
- departing airport
- intended route (and altitude)
- destination
- time of proposed departure and en route
- In flight briefing (radio contact to FSS in the air)
- Flight Watch = En route Flight Advisory Service = EFAS
- Design to exchange weather data
- Actual condition, turbulence and thunderstorm information of your en route.
- central collection and distribution point for pilot reported information
- many are based on Pilots Reports
- Not for briefing nor flight plan
- 122.00 MHz below FL180
- anywhere in contiguous US, you can contact EFAS above 5,000 ft AGL
- Above FL 180, check A/FD
- generally 6 am to 10 pm local time
- a specialist covers several outlets, so you need to tell them where you are.
- to call FSS in the air
- "xxx Radio, Cessna 12345...."
- "yyy Flight Watch, Cessna 12345, Tomato VOR..." for EFAS, need to tell location
- Inflight Aviation Weather Advisory
- SIGMET : Weather hazard for ALL aircraft (non-convective)
- Severe Icing
- Severe or Extreme Turblence or Clear Air Turbulence (CAT)
- SIGMET does NOT include thunderstorm
- Sandstorms or Dust Storm lowering visibility below 3 miles
- Volcanic Ash
- CONVECTIVE SIGMET: Warning for all aircraft for Convective activity (Thunderstorm)
- Severe Thunderstorm due to
- 50 kts or more surface wind
- Hail larger than 3/4 inches
- Tornadoes
- Embedded Thunderstorm
- Line of Thunderstorm
- Thunderstorm produces heavy precipitation more than 40% of area of least 3,000 sq. miles
- any convective situation that the forecaster feels is hazardous to all categories of aircraft.
- AIRMET : advisories of significant weather phenomena but lower than SIGMETs.
- for pilots in the preflight or en route to enhance safety.
- There are three AIRMETs
- AIRMET Sierra : IFR conditions and/or extensive mountain obscurations.
- AIRMET Tango : moderate turbulence, sustained surface winds of 30 knots or greater, and/or nonconvective low-level wind shear.
- AIRMET Zulu : moderate icing and provides freezing level heights.
- G-AIRMET (Graphical AIRMET) is available on AWC site for better understanding.
- Hawaii and Alaska Convective SIGMENT is included in SIGMET
- transmit to tell us that hazard information is available
- check appropriate weather products or contact a flight watch or FSS
- H in communication box
- Common Terms (General)
- Sky condition
- Clear or SKY Clear (CLR or SKC)
- CLR nothing below 12,000 feet AGL at an automated station
- SKC no layers are reported at a manual station.
- Few (FEW) 1/8 to 2/8 (Quarter) (includes less than 1/8)
- Scattered (SCT) 3/8 - 4/8 (Half)
- Broken (BKN) 5/8 -7/8 (some holes, or part of)
- Overcast (OVC) 8/8
- Obscured (VV): Vertical Visibility (When it is Low horizontal visibility) 8/8
- Ceiling: Height of the base of cloud from BKN to OVC, but not thin.
- Categorical Outlook
- (if used) Low IFR (LIFR)
- Ceiling to 500 feet and/or Visibility less than 1 mile
- Ceiling 1,000 feet and/or Visibility less than 3 miles
- Marginal VFR (MVFR)
- Ceiling to 1,000 to 3,000 feet and/or Visibility 3 to 5 miles
- possible to fly VFR, but, but, but
- Ceiling 5,000 feet or more and Visibility 5 miles or more
- WIND....More than 25 knots.
- Intensity
- Light....LGT
- Moderate.....MDT
- Severe.....SVR
- Extreme... EXTRM
- Cloud reports and Height are reported only visible from a point. It may be clear or clogged above
- reported weather (now or past, but never future)
- automated or manually observed
- Station Identifier (K+3 letters in mainland, P+3 in Northern Pacific Region, R+3 Japan)
- Date and Time
- Report Modifier (as Required) AUTO or SPECI
- Wind
- Gust (G) 10 kts or more in less than 10 min
- VRB: variable below 6 kts
- xxxVxxx: more than 6 kts with direction
- Calm Wind: 00000KT
- Visibility
- in SM (Statute Miles)
- in KM (Kilometers in many countries)
- Runway Visual Range (RVR in feet with Runway Number) is added
(if equiped and Visibility less than 1 mile or RVR 6,000 or less for an Instrument Runway)
- Present Weather
- Intensity: - light, + heavy, none for Moderate
- Descriptor: SH (Shower), TS (Thunderstorm), FZ (Freezing), etc
- Precipitation: RA (Rain), DZ (Drizzle), SN (Snow), etc
- Obscuration (what lowers visibility): BR (Mist), FG, Smoke (FU), Haze (HZ)
- other:
- Sky Condition
- Ceiling
- Indifinite Ceiling
- Temperature and Dewpoint
- Altimeter (A)
- Remarks (RMK)
- Pilot weather report PIREP (/UA, route) or Urgent Report (/UUA)
- /OV: Position
- /TM: Time
- /FL: Flight level or altitude
- /TP: Type of aircraft
- /SK: Sky condition (heights are in MSL)
- /WX: Visibility and weather
- /TA: Temperature (C)
- /WV: Wind
- /TB: Turbulence
- /IC: Icing
- /RM: Remarks
- Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF)
- provide forecast within 5 miles from the airport.
- Format:
- Type: Route or Amended (TAF or TAF AMD)
- Station identifier: ICAO, K + 3 letters
- Prepared Time: Date and Time
- Valid Time of the forecast
- Wind
- Visibility
- Significant Weather
- Sky Condition and Vertical Obscuration
- Low-Level Wind Shear (non convective)
- FMxxxx: Significate Change will happens in a hour or less
- TEMPO xxxx: temp fluctuations,
- happens 50% or more
- last less than 1 hour
- PROB30: 30% of chance
- " to the end of Forecast"
- Terms and Codes are similar to METAR
- Aviation Area Forecast (FA)
- it is the forecast for wide area (each covers about 1/8 of the U.S.A.).
- way more than 3,000 square miles (only 55 miles x 55 miles)
- this 3,000 is for other purpose (e.g. AIRMET)
- covers several states
- can be used if TAF is not available at or near your destination.
- forecasts of VMC condition, clouds and general weather condition
- for complete information, you needs to check "Inflight Aviation Weather Advisories"
- issued 3 times are day
- each covers 12 hours
- plus 6 hours of Categorical Outlook
- Sections of FA
- Header (Communication and Product Header)
- Regions and insurance time
- statements of what is contained,
- synopsis valid time,
- forecast time for VMC
- States and areas contained in the FA
- Precautionary Statement
- alert pilots what is NOT contained in this products, such as
- IFR Condition
- Thunderstorms, severe turbulence, icing, low-level wind shear
- also, tells heights are MSL unless they are preceded by AGL or CIG
- Synopsis
- summary of weather in FA: location and movement of front, pressure system, and other
- VFR cloud and Weather (CLDS/WX)
- MVFR to VFR condition
- Widespread wind of 20 kts or more
- followed by categorical outlook
- Remember that IFR Condition is not in a FA (need to check AIRMET)
- Hazardous Weather which meets AIRMET or SIGMET criteria is NOT covered in FA
- Wind and Temperature Aloft Forecast
- Wind and Temperature forecast for above ground level
- 6-digit:
- Wind direction in 10 (add 0)
- Wind speed
- Temperatures in C (no + or - above FL240)
- 4-digit (to close to ground, less than 2,500 AGL, no temperature is forecasted)
- Wind more than 100 kts, 5 is added on the first digit and means wind is more than 100 kts
- less than 5 knots, 9900
- Winds are forecasted in TRUE and KTONS
- Weather depletion chart (reported, past)
- METAR or other reported information is mapped.
- sky coverage at stations are shown in little circles
- low visibility and significant weather are indicated
- MVFR and IFR areas are easily shown
- areas are covered by counter lines,
- tells pilot areas of MVFR and IFR quickly
- Front System are shown
- Radar Summary Chart (reported, past)
- Graphic Display of radar reports
- type, intensity, movement of precipitation, cells and squall lines
- This is for PRE-FLIGHT planning only and must cross-checked with other data.
- Severe Weather (enclosed by a heavy dashed line)
- intensity trend is NOT shown any more
- Significant weather prognostic chart (Forecast)
- 4 Panel Format (Chart)
- UPPER panels are for surface to FL240 (Low Level Chart)
- IFR and MVFR Condition
- Turbulence
- Freezing levels
- BOTTOM panels (Surface)
- High andLow Pressure System, and Fronts
- Type, Intensity and Coverage of Precipitation
- LEFT are forecast of 12 hr and RIGHT are 24 hrs after insurance.
- There are Short-Range Surface, Low-, Mid-, High-Level Charts are available.
- Low Level : upto FL 240 or 400 millibars
- Mid-Level : from 10,000 ft MSL to FL 450
- High-Level : FL 250 to FL 630
- Those charts are avaialbe at AWC (ADDS) Web Site in a separate panel.
- other products
- Convective Outlook (AC)
- Severe Weather Watch Bulletins (WW)
- Observed Winds Aloft Charts
- Constant Pressure Chart
- TWEB (Alaska Only)