FAAの筆記試験(Knowledge Exam)について。 : Privateの筆記試験について : PVTの問題へ : IFR、筆記の解説 : IFR問題へ
2009 Instrument Written Exam (FAA Knowledge Test)
217. PLT144
Under which conditions is hydroplaning most likely to occur?
A) When rudder is used for directional control instead of allowing the nosewheel to contact the surface early in the landing roll on a wet runway.
B) During conditions of standing water, slush, high speed, and smooth runway texture.
C) During a landing on any wet runway when brake application is delayed until a wedge of water begins to build ahead of the tires.
A) 濡れた滑走路に着陸後、早い段階でNosewheelを地面に接地させずに、ラダーで方向を制御した場合。
B) 水が溜り、ぬかるみんで、高速で、そして滑らかな滑走路の様な状態。
C) 濡れた滑走路に着陸中、タイヤの前に水の塊が出来るまで、ブレーキの使用を抑えた場合。
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