FAAの筆記試験(Knowledge Exam)について。 : Privateの筆記試験について : PVTの問題へ : IFR、筆記の解説 : IFR問題へ
2009 Instrument Written Exam (FAA Knowledge Test)
227. PLT292
Prior to conducting 'timed approaches from a holding fix,' which one of the following is required?
A) The time required to fly from the primary facility to the field boundary must be determined by a reliable means.
B) The airport where the approach is to be conducted must have a control tower in operation.
C) The pilot must have established two way communications with the tower before departing the holding fix.
「Timed approaches from a holding fix」を行う時に、必要な事の一つは?
A) Appraochの主要施設から空港の境界線まで飛行する時間を確実に測定できる事。
B) Timed Appraochが行われる空港では、TowerがOpenしている事。
C) Holding Fixから出る前に、Towerとの交信(2-way, 受信と送信)を行う事。
「Timed approaches from a holding fix」について