あの大統領専用機"Air Force One"です。 掲示板の常連さんから皆さんへと送られて来ました。
ATCはKFFO 23RのILSアプローチですね。
Air Force One とアプローチ管制官 (空白が削除されてます)
Approach, Air Force One, is with you out of 16,000 for 11,000, information Papa.
Good morning, Columbus Approach, altimeter 3008.
I didn't copy that last transmission
It's the wrong frequency, change to my frequency on, uh, 119.15.
Calling 9.15, Air Force One
Columbus Approach, good afternoon, Air Force One, withs you10,000
Air Force One, Columbus Approach, Dayton altimeter 3009, say approach
request and pattern.
3009, requesting ILS 23 Right, Air Force One.
Air Force One, Plan the ILS 23 Right.
Air Force One, turn left heading 280.
Left 280, Air Force One.
Air Force One, when out of turn, you have traffic, 2 o'clock 10 miles,
East North East Bound, a LC-41 VFR 9,500.
Air Force One.
Air Force One, Traffic no factor, descend and mainten 3,000, and turn left to heading 270.
3,000 and left to 270, Air Force One
Life Guard, Care Flight 3, no need check in with me this get on the ground, sir.
Air Force One, one one miles from ANNEE, turn left 260, maintain 3,000
until establish, cleared for 23 ILS Right Approach.
Air Force One, contact PATTERSON Tower on 126.9. Good day.
Frequency 126.9, Air Force One, so long.
Air Force One が周波数を間違えて登場ってのも面白いですが、
"Calling 9.15"に聞こえるのですが、"119.15"の様な気も。 どう聞こえます? ご意見を。