Pompano Beach Airpark (PMP)

空港はマイアミのちょっと北部、Ft Lauderdaleの北に有ります。 音声データは短いですが、この空港もデータを見るとちょっと忙しい空港ですね。 一日平均で465回の離着陸。(年で約17万回)
Pompano Tower (10分を1分23秒に空白をカット)
Helicopter 720L, Pompano Tower.
Helicopter 20L, Southeast Departure for Parallel Runway 15. Do NOT overfly the Cessna on Delta crossing 10. Cleared for takeoff.
Southeast Departure, You have Cessna on final for runway 15.
Cessna(?) 20L, Frequency Change Approved, Have a good (day)
Have a good day
Cessna 53R, turn right your secretion, contact ground on 121.9.
Cessna 64575, Pompano Tower, Runway 15, Cleared for takeoff.
Helicopter 7512C, at Charlie Lima, with information India, request departure to , uh, direct to departure East then North.
Helicopter 12C, Pompano Tower, Just hold your position momentary, You get Cirrus taxing out of ramp off to your left.
12C, Roger, We have the Cirrus.
Cessna 575, west of Turn Pike, Frequency change approved, Have a safe flight.
12C, from taxiway Lima, make East departure, then, uh, You said North, northbound on shoreline?
Yes, Sir.
Helicopter 12C, Roger, left turn at shoreline approved, again then cleared for takeoff, east departure off taxiway one (Lima?)
Helicopter 12C, clear off taxiway Lima, eastbound, north on the shoreline.
Cessna 737GW, Pompano Tower, Report Turn Pike straight-in Runway 15.
Pompano Beach Airport Information India,
1900 Zulu Weather.
Wind 150 at 13 gust 19.
Weather better than five thousand five.
Temperature 28, Dewpoint 21.
Altimeter 3002.
Lanidng and Departing Runway 15,
Visua Approach in use.
Notice to Airman,
Pompano Tower hours operation are from 1300 to 0200 Zulu.
Read Back all hold short instructions including runway number.
Advice direction prior to taxi.
Use Caution for cranes vicinity of the airport.
Birds are all quadrants.
Advice control on initial contact that you have India.
注意: 2010年09月からFAAのTowerの指示が変わりました。
新しく国際標準の"Line-up and Wait"に変わり、以前の"Position and Hold" や Taxi into Position and Hold"が廃止されました。
このサイトでは以前の ...Position and Hold."の音声データが大半です。
現在はLine Up and Waitです。申し訳ございませんが、この部分は注意して下さい。
Carlsbad - Palomar
Ft. Lauderdale Excutive, FL
El Monte Airport
Las Vegas, McCarran
Leesburg, Florida
Livermore Airport
Long Beach Airport
LAX Los Angeles Int'l
Hillsboro, Oregon
Montogomery Field
Pompano Beach Airpark, FL
Portland International, OR
Reid Hillview, San Jose
San Diego International
SFO San Francisco Int'l
San Jose International
Torrance Airport
Other SF Area
Air Force One
ハリケーン IKE