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Reid Hillview Tower : Audio to Text Part-3

音声ファイル No.3 2008-09-14

(0:33) Cherokee 33T, runway 31R, cleared to land

Cleared to land on the right, 33T

Cessna 453, traffic ahead, off your right wing, a Cub, indicating 3500

8CB, traffic ahead to your left, a Cessna, indicating 2700

Ah, thank you tower, I’ll keep my eyes open

(1:17) Tower, this is 8CB, I have traffic in sight

8CB, (?) traffic to your left

I see I have traffic to my left, 8CB

Reid Hillview Tower, Skylane 7283X, ready for takeoff

Cessna 83X, Reid Hillview Tower, straight out departure approved, cleared for takeoff

Reid Hillview Tower, I have a problem with my radio, can you hold on

Cessna 83X, cancel takeoff clearance

(1:56) Reid Tower, Cessna 4460P, inbound with Uniform, (?)

Cessna 4460P, Reid Tower, make a straight in runway 31R, report 3 mile final

(?) runway 31R, report 3 mile final (?)

Reid Hillview Tower, Cherokee 8453B, ready for downwind (?)

Cherokee 8453B, Reid Hillview Tower, standby

Standing by 53B

(2:33) Reid Hillview Tower, Cessna 83X, ready for takeoff 31R, holding short

Cessna 83X, (?) number for departure


(2:58) Reid Tower, this is Cessna 453, 1200 feet, 3 miles out

Cessna 453, number 2, following a (Cherokee) short final, runway 31R, cleared to land

(3:08) Number 2, following a Cherokee, 31R, 453

(?) 8CB, number 3 to follow, runway 31R, cleared to land

Number 3, cleared to land, 8CB, reporting 3 mile

(?) information Victor current, wind 330@1, correction, Altimeter 2981

Cherokee 33T, turn right when able, then contact ground

(3:44) 33T

(5:15) Reid Hillview Tower, Cessna 4460P, (?)

Cessna 60P, Reid Hillview Tower, do you want the right.



(5:36) 4460P, 31R

Cherokee 53B, taxi up to the hold short, runway 31R, (?)


Hold short of runway 31R, 53B

(6:25) Cherokee 53B, runway 31R, position and hold

Position and hold, 31R, 53B

8CB, turn right when able, then contact ground

Cherokee 53B, right downwind approved, runway 31L, position and hold


(6:57) Cessna 83X, runway 31R, position and hold

Position and hold, 31R, 83X

Cessna 83X, (?), runway 31R, cleared for takeoff

Cleared for takeoff, 83X

76SP, (?) cleared to land

Cessna 76SP, runway 31R, cleared to land

SP, 31R, cleared to land

(8:09) Cessna 83X, contact San Jose, 124.0

124.0 (?)

(8:59) 6SP contact ground

6SP, contacting ground

(11:50) Reid Hillview Tower, Citabria 393, inbound over UTC, (?)

Citabria 393, Reid Tower, make straight in for runway 31L, report a 3 mile final

Straight in, report 3 mile final, 393

(15:15) Grumman Tiger 74801, Reid Hillview Tower, no left downwind, runway 31R

Grumman 801, wind 320@5, altimeter 2989

(16:49) Airport 2, tower

RHVのTOPへ : 次へ


注意: 2010年09月からFAAのTowerの指示が変わりました。  離陸時に滑走路上で待機せよと言うのが、 新しく国際標準の"Line-up and Wait"に変わり、以前の"Position and Hold" や Taxi into Position and Hold"が廃止されました。  このサイトでは以前の ...Position and Hold."の音声データが大半です。  現在はLine Up and Waitです。申し訳ございませんが、この部分は注意して下さい。



ATC in the USA

Carlsbad - Palomar
Ft. Lauderdale Excutive, FL
El Monte Airport
Las Vegas, McCarran
Leesburg, Florida
Livermore Airport
Long Beach Airport
LAX Los Angeles Int'l
Hillsboro, Oregon
Montogomery Field
Pompano Beach Airpark, FL
Portland International, OR
Reid Hillview, San Jose
San Diego International
SFO San Francisco Int'l
San Jose International
Torrance Airport
Other SF Area




Air Force One

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