(0:25) Citabria 06G, traffic 10 - 11 o’clock, 1 mile, appears to be west
(1:02) …bound, altitude indicates 1100 (?) that aircraft.
Roger, thanks
Cessna 21M, 31R, cleared for takeoff
Citabria 538, runway 31L, cleared for the option
Cleared for the option 538
31R, cleared for the infield
Last aircraft calling, type (?)
Skylane 7383X, (?)
Skylane 7383X, Reid Hillview Tower, make (?) for runway 31R
3 mile final for runway 31R
Skylane 83X, number 2, following a Cessna on a downwind, approaching base, runway 31R, cleared to land
(2:43) Cessna 18N (?)
Cessna 18N observed
Cessna 18N, roger, change (?) runway 31R
(3:16) Cessna 3151H, Reid Hillview Tower, runway 31L, report 1/2 mile final
Cessna 21M, number 2, following a Cessna on a mile and a half final, runway 31R, cleared for the option
83X, runway 31R, number 1
Number 1, 31R
(3:45) Reid Tower, Cessna 7124E holding short 31R, straight out departure
7124E, Reid Tower, cross runway 31R, hold short runway 31L
Cross 31R, holding short of 31L
Cessna 93K, turn right at Echo, (?) Yankee (?)
(?) report 3 mile final
(?) runway 31L, cleared for takeoff
(5:00) (?) traffic appears to be 2 - 3 o’clock, 2-1/2 miles westbound, the altitude indicates (?)
Reid Tower, Citabria 353 passing (?) downwind
Citabria 353, roger, runway 31L, cleared for the option
Ah, 353, we’d like to land (?)
Citabria 353, roger, runway 31L, cleared to land
Cleared to land, 31L, 353
Cessna 83X, right to the end, turn right at Echo, then contact ground 121.65
Right at Echo
(6:20) 18N, traffic is a Cessna, 4 mile final for the parallel runway, altitude indicating 2300
(?) 18N
21M, turn right at Delta, hold short of Zulu, then contact ground
621M, if you’d like, you can make a left turn on Yankee, and then take Yankee to Echo, then contact ground
Turn right to Yankee
621M, turn left on Yankee, take Yankee to Echo and contact ground