(50:33) Stationaire 126KT, Reid Hillview Tower, make right traffic, runway 31R, report turning on the 45
(?) report turning on the 45
790Q, previous called traffic no factor, frequency change approved, good day
Good day (?)
Seneca 7099E, previously called traffic no longer a factor
99E, thank you (?)
Reid Hillview Tower (?)
Cessna 737ZD, Reid Hillview Tower,go ahead with your request
Cessna 7ZD, make straight in, runway 31L, report a 3mile final
Seneca 99E, change to runway 31R, runway 31R, cleared to land
Cleared to land, 31R, 99E
(51:44) Citabria 06G, runway 31L, cleared to land
31L, cleared to land, 06G
(52:12) And Reid Hillview Tower tower, Cessna 900, (?)
Cessna 900, cross runway 31R, then contact ground
Crossing 31R and going to ground, Cessna 900, thanks
Seneca 99E, traffic ahead and to your left is a Citabria for the parallel runway
99E, traffic in sight
(53:00) Reid Hillview Tower, Citabria 06G, is going around, is there any way I can get a right pattern?
Citabria 06G, standby, I’ll see if I can get you (?)
Citabria 06G, you can start your turn for right downwind
Turning right downwind, 06G
Stationaire, 6KT, keep your downwind wide, you’ll be paralleling traffic downwind
Reid Hillview Tower, Cessna 727ZD, around the 3 mile final for 31L
Cessna 7ZD, runway 31L, cleared to land
Cleared to land, Cessna 7ZD
Citabria 06G, continue your turn downwind
Turning downwind 06G
(54:00) Seneca 99E contact ground, ah, contact ground off runway .65
99E (?)
Commander 4JY, frequency change approved, good day
Good day
Citabria 06G, runway 31R, cleared to land
Runway 31R, cleared to land, 06G
(54:25) Stationaire 6KT, number 2, a Citabria abeam the numbers, runway 31R, cleared to land
Ah, KT, behind the Citabria
(55:04) Attention all aircraft, information Yankee is now current, wind 310@10, Altimeter 2987
(55:53) Cessna 7ZD, keep it moving, cross runway 31R, then contact ground
Keep it moving, cross runway 31R, contact ground, Cessna 7ZD
(56:34) Cessna 761F, Reid Hillview Tower, um, roger, ident
Citabria 06G, right turn at the end, then contact ground, Good day
Right turn at Echo, then contact ground 06G
(57:03) Cessna 11F, ident sir, make right traffic, runway 31R
(57:43) Stationaire, 6KT, contact ground
Citabria 06G, (?)
(58:05) Citabria 06G, roger, taxi runway 31R, via taxiway Yankee
Taxi 31R via Yankee, 06G
(59:02) Reid Tower, (?)
Cherokee 833T, Reid Hillview Tower, downwind departure approved, runway 31R, cleared for takeoff
Cleared for takeoff, downwind departure, 33T