(19:55) Cessna 900, can you accept left traffic?
Cessna 900, cross runway 31R, runway 31L position and hold
31L, position and hold, Cessna 900
Cessna 900, make left closed traffic, runway 31L, cleared for takeoff
Cleared for takeoff 31R, (?), Cessna 900
(22:03) Cessna 900, runway 31L, cleared for the option
Cleared for the option, 31L, 900
(22:34) (?)
(?), Reid Hillview Tower, make a downwind approved, runway 31R, cleared for takeoff
Cessna 93K, runway 31R, cleared for the option
93K, cleared for the option
(23:28) Cessna 900, traffic is a Cessna turning right for the parallel
Traffic in sight, Cessna 900
Cessna 93K, Cessna turning left base towards the final for the parallel
93K, we got ‘em
(25:01) Cessna 900, back taxi, runway 31L, position and hold
(?) Cessna 900
(26:15) Cessna 900, runway 31L, cleared for takeoff
Cleared for takeoff, 31L, Cessna 900
(27:25) Cessna 93K, runway 31R, cleared for the option
Cessna 93K
Cessna, 67889, Reid Hillview Tower, make straight in, runway 31R, report 3 mile final
Cessna 889, make straight in, runway 31R
(28:10) Cessna 49434, Reid Hillview Tower, make a right turn off departure, runway 31R, cleared for takeoff, traffic a Cessna approaching base approaching final
(?) 434
(28:20) Cessna 434, cancel takeoff clearance, hold short runway 31R, due to landing traffic
(?) 434
(28:40) Cessna 900, runway 31L, cleared for the option
Cleared for the option, 900
(29:13) Cessna 434, thanks for waiting, runway 31R, position and hold
(29:26) Traffic is a Cessna on 2 mile final
Cessna 889, traffic, 12 - 1 o’clock, 2 miles, southeast bound, Cessna indicating 2800
Cessna 914, traffic 12 - 1 o’clock, 2 miles, opposite direction, Cessna, altitude indicating 2800 inbound to Reid Hillview
(29:56) Cessna 434, make a right turn after departure, runway 31R, cleared for takeoff
Make right turn after departure (?), 434
Cessna 914, (?) traffic no factor, he’s going to pass you on your right side, altitude indicating 2500
Cessna (?), traffic no factor, altitude indicating 2300
Cessna 889, traffic no factor