Cessna (?), Reid Hillview Tower, make right downwind departure
(39:17) Runway 31R, cleared for takeoff
(?) right downwind departure (?)
(39:52) 89L, 3 miles (?)
(?) Roger
Cessna 900, traffic, just on the parallel runway ahead, and, about a half mile final
(41:19) Cherokee 33T, contact ground, .65
33T, contacting ground
(42:25) Citabria 5032G, Reid Hillview Tower, make straight in runway 31L
(42:44) And Citabria calling Reid Tower, say again your numbers
Citabria, 1806G, Reid Tower, make straight in, runway 31L, report a 3 mile final
(43:00) Cessna 89L, right turn at the end, contact ground .65, good day
Reid Hillview Tower, (?) ready for departure
(43:30) Cessna 5090Q, Reid Hillview Tower, runway 31R, position and hold
(?) position and hold, 90Q
Cessna 900, runway 31L, cleared for the option
Cleared for the option 31L, 900
(?) Right downwind departure approved, runway 31R cleared for takeoff.
(45:32) Cessna 900, you can back taxi, runway 31L
Back taxi runway 31L, 900
(47:06) Cessna 900, runway 31L, cleared for take off
Cleared for takeoff, 31L, 900
Reid Hillview Tower, Citabria 06G, 3 miles out, inbound for 31L
Citabria 06G, Roger, runway 31L, cleared to land
31L, cleared to land, 06G
(48:00) Wind check please
Wind check, 320@5
(48:49) Reid Hillview Tower, Seneca 4399E, landing with Whisky, inbound at 3500, (?)
Seneca 4399E, Reid Hillview Tower, make straight in, runway 31L, report a 3 mile final
And that’s for 31L
31L, 4399E
Cessna 90Q, 12 o’clock, 3 miles, Seneca 3200, descending, northbound
Looking for traffic, 90Q
(49:30) Seneca 99E, traffic 12 o’clock and 3 miles, a Cessna at 2700, opposite direction
99E looking
And tower, 900, request short approach for runway 31L
Cessna 900, runway 31L, cleared for the option, short approach approved
Cleared for the option, short approach approved, thanks
(49:55) Lear 4JY, roger, standby
Citabria 06G, roger
(50: 15) Lear 4JY, right downwind approved, runway 31, cleared for takeoff