Piper 217G, Reid Hillview Tower, make right traffic, runway 31R
(18:00) Cessna 679, traffic, ahead and to your left, less a one mile, 2400, also for the left
Cessna 679, roger
Cessna 679, plan for runway 31R
31R, 679
(19:02) Duchess 74T, runway 31R, cleared for takeoff
Cleared for takeoff, 74T
(19:52) Cessna 50975, Reid Hillview Tower, make right traffic, runway 31L, report (inaudible)
Cessna 914, runway 31L, cleared to land
31L , cleared to land, 914
Cessna 679, runway 31R, cleared to land, you’re number 1
31R, cleared to land, 679
Cessna 914, traffic (inaudible) off the right side is for the parallel runway
Traffic in sight, 914
Cessna 50975, Reid Hillview Tower, make right traffic, runway 31R, and report 3 on the 45
Cessna 975, ident
Cessna 975, ident
Cessna 975, ident
Cessna 975, traffic off your right side, one mile at 1400, a Cherokee also inbound on the 45, report that traffic in sight
Looking for traffic, 975
Duchess 74T, number 2, following a Cessna on a mile and a half final, runway 31R, cleared for the option
Looking for the traffic, cleared for the option, runway 31R, have a good night
Cessna 11F, number 2, following a Cessna now at a 1 mile final, runway 31L, cleared for the option
11F, 31L, cleared for the option, and traffic in sight
Cessna 975, traffic now 3 o’clock, and 1 mile, at 1400, report that traffic in sight
Roger, I have them in sight, 975
Cessna 975, traffic on your downwind, you’ll be following him
Roger that, 975
Cherokee, or, ah, Piper 47G, your number 3, following a Duchess, on a, he’s on a mile and a half base leg, number 3, follow behind that Duchess, runway 31R, cleared to land
I believe I have that traffic in sight, 47G
Cessna 975, you’re number 4, following a Cherokee off your right side, runway 31R, cleared to land
Cleared to land, number 4, Cessna 975
Reid Hillview Tower, Cessna 7090Q, over UTC, at 2900 feet, inbound for landing with Yankee
Cessna 7090Q, Reid Hillview Tower, make straight in runway 31L, report 3 mile final
(23:04) 31L, report 3 mile final, 7090Q
Reid Hillview Tower, Cherokee 8233T, over UTC, inbound at (inaudible)
Cherokee 8233T, Reid Hillview Tower, make straight in runway 31L, report 3 mile final
Report 3 mile final, runway 31L, 33T
Cessna 679, right turn when able, then contact ground when off the runway
Contact ground, 679
Cessna 914, if able, right turn at taxiway Delta, hold short runway 31R
Cessna 90Q, ident
Ident, Cessna 90Q
Cherokee 33T, traffic 12 o’clock, a mile and half, at 2700, Cessna inbound for the left
33T looking
Altimeter check
Altimeter 2986
Cessna 914, cross runway 31R, contact ground
(25:20) Cessna 11F, runway 31L, cleared for the option
Cessna 11F, runway 31L, cleared for the option
Duchess 74T, number 2, following a Cessna, short final, runway 31R, cleared for the option
Cleared for the option, got traffic in sight, for 31R, Duchess 74T
Cessna 90Q, number 2, following a Cessna turning base, runway 31L, cleared to land
(26:05) Cleared to land for 90Q
Cessna 90Q, I say again, number 2, following a Cessna turning base, runway 31L, cleared to land
Following a Cessna on base, number 2, cleared to land, Cessna 90Q
Cherokee 47G, ah, disregard