Montgomery Tower 2007-01分の録音より。 (最初の10分。Ground無し。2.35Mb)
Towerが言っている事を読みながら聞くのが、ATCをマスターする一番ベストな方法と思っています。皆さんの為にと思いのページを作っていました。 たった10分(実際は26分間)とは言え、実際には10時間以上の時間を費やしています。ぜひ、ATCのマスターにお役立てください。
最初から26分まで、無音部分を削除し、10分にまとめられています。そして言っている事を、一つ一つを皆さんのお勉強用に書きました。続きは第二段で。 5分の2の量ですから、実際はもっと余裕があります。 次回からはもう少し忙しいかも。 音声自体は前から公開している物のです。
今回は、無音部分があった所に、経過時間を書きました。これは実際の時間でなく、編集された音声ファイルの時間です。勉強する人が付いていきやすくする為です。 それと、全てではありませんが時間が書かれている所は実際は無音部分であったと理解してください。 (2007-09-22 製作)
続きも作りました。 直後の18分24秒分です。 (2007-10-10 製作)
ATIS Information Alfa & Foxtrot
Montgomey Tower, Cessna 7093F, two miles xxx of Lake Murray, inbound for Qualcomm with xxx Chairlie ..
(Qualcomm Parkは大リーグとアメフトの本拠地。重要な試合中。)
Cessna inbound calling Qualcomm, say again
That's standard code 7093F, one mile east Lake Murray, inbound for Qualcomm.
Niner, Censsna 7093F, Montgomey Tower, roger, you are approved as requested you are joining met with three othes over the studium, use caution.
Cessna 93F ...不明...
thank you.
(この日はQualcomm Parkと言う球場で、アメフトの大きな試合がありました。彼はそこにバナーを引っ張って宣伝飛行に行くのでしょう。)
Montgomey Tower, 172RW, uh, over Gillespie, uh, request change frequency. (東に有る隣の空港)
2RW, frequency change approved.
thank you.
Tower, Pilatus 942TW, with Charlie. We are 7 miles at 5,000. (機種が私にはグラナムに聞こえる。)
Pilatus 942TW, enter right base, runway 28 Right, cleared to land.
cleared to land, 28 Right, right base, 2TW.
2Txxx, 3 mile right base (2TWでしょう。応答も雑音でした)
Wind, Calm
Kina Air 0DM, ready. (Zero Delta Mike)
King Air 0DM, Montgomey Tower, hold for landing traffic.
Montgomey Tower, King Air 411RJ, inbound Mt. Soledad, SQUWAKing? ??不明?? (Mt Soledadは空港より6マイルぐらい西に有るチェックポイントです。)
King Air 4111RJ, Montgomey Tower, SQUAWK 0400, make Left Traffic, runway 28 Left.
Left Traffic for 28 Left
2TW, turn left at the end, taxi across runway 28 Left, then contact Ground.
Left and cross, 2TW
Montgomey Tower, マーリン ,9, 269KM, on the ILS. (スペル、機種不明、Marlineと聞えるがSwearingenかも。)
9, uh, 699KM, Montgomey Tower, runway 28 Right, cleared to land.
28 Right, cleared to land, 9KM
(Call Signもイマイチ不明。 ILSなので699KMだと思うのですが、それならターボプロップのSwearingenです。)
Tower, Skylane 757PE, 28 Left ready for straightout departure, VFR
Skylane 757PE, Montgomey Tower, runway 28 Left, cleared for takeoff.
cleared for takeoff, 7PE....
7PE, actually cancel takeoff clearnce, hold short, the aircraft next to you says your seat belt is hanging out.
Oh, I will double check on it. thanks.
Let me know when you are ready to go. N-0DM, runway 28 Right, cleared for takeoff.
Cleared for takeoff, 0DM.
0DM, no delay on traffic 2 mile final. it's a Swearingen.(機種不明、Swearingenの気がする)
You are on roll.
Thank you,
Tower, Skylane 7PE, ready to go now. It was a peice of towel, but thanks for help earlier.
微笑 OK Sir, and 7PE, runway 28 Left, cleared for takeoff.
Cleared for takeoff, 7PE, thanks again.
41RJ, uh, look for, uh, 4 aricraft, all towing banners over the staduim. use caution, number one, runway 28 Left, cleared to land.
number one, 28 Left, cancel right ...? (最後に何か聞いてるようですが聞えない。)
Sure, actually uh, left traffic for runway 28 Right, cleared to land, following Swearingen? on a mile final.
(...音声が小さく不明 ....)
0DM, contact? SoCAL Depature.
0DM, Contact departure, see you
09KM, taxi acrrow 28 Left at the end of it, then contact Ground.
Take? (taxi?) on Foxtrot, then contact Ground, 9KM.
Tower, Cessna 3972V, ready for departure, straight-out on the left
N72V, Montgomey Tower, runway 28 Left, postion and hold.
72V, into postion and hold on the left.
72V, on the left, cleared for takeoff.
72V, cleared for takeoff.
1RJ, hold short runway 28 Left, remain my frequency. (周波数を変えないで)
23,OK? (意味不明)
Montgomey Tower, Cessan 12534, 28 Left for west bound departure.
12534, Montgomey Tower, runway 28 Left, position and hold, traffic will be crossing mid-field.
2384, position and hold.(Call signが違うような。。。)
Montgomey Tower, 868PS, ready on 28 Right
KingAir 1RJ, cross runway 28 Left, then contact Ground.
xxx Left xxxx (雑音で不明)
8PS, Montgomey Tower, what is your direction of flight today?
That's straight-out, then north.
Cessna 8PS, runway 28 Right, cleared for takeoff.
28 Right, PS, Clear.
Cessna 534, runway 28 Left, cleared for takeoff.
34, rolling
(重複)Cessna 6PS, traffic Cessna start? parallel off west-bound. (同時交信で聞えにくい。)
(重複終わり)departure with Charlie, S has traffic. (同時交信で飛行機の音が途中から、これでは意味不明)
Montgomey Tower, Helicopter 7162R, Midport, I'd like to request East-bound departure with charlie. (Midportは空港の真ん中でrunway 28 Leftの左にあるHeli-Pad)
xxx 62R, Left downwind departure is approaved, cleared for takeoff, use caution, wind calm, traffic 4 aircraft over the studium. use caution.
62R, reamin clear.
Montgomey Tower, This is Charokee 530R wiht Charlie, in for lainding.
30R, Montgomey Tower, enter right base runway 28 Right, cleared to land.
30R, 28 Right, cleared to land.
Montgomey Tower, Cessna 8PS, frequency change requested.
Frequency change approved.
Tower, 30R, That was 28 Left, correct?
uh, If you prefer, acutally both availble right now.
How about 28 Left?
30R, Roger, runway 28 Left cleared to land.
cleared to land, 30R.
xxx 7162R, request frequency change.
Helicopoter 62R, frequency change approved.
xxx (雑音)
You too.
Montgomey Tower, Saratoga 9232Z,xxxx(downwind? 不明)
Saratoga 9232Z, runway 28 Right, cleared to land
cleared to land, 28 Right, 32Z
Wind 190 at 4 (風は微風だけど真横)
xxx Helicopter 60 xxx 雑音
Helicopter 60R, Montgomey Tower.
Helicopter 60R, We are at Mission Bay, inbound for pattern work on 23, we have Charlie.
Helicopter 60R, Roger, proceed south of filed, uh, pass the over head at or above 1,000 feet, then runway 23.
Pass overhead at or above 1,000,,,, for 60R.
Montgomey Tower, Cessna,,,, Cessna 2462P, one east of Gillesipie at, uh, 3,000, inbound for landing with Charlie
Cessna 62P, SQUAWK 0400, make straight-in runway 28 Left, report passing Lake Murray, please.
uh, Report passing Lake Murray, uh, for 28 Left, 62P.
36R, Are you still on my frequency.
We have ground control here, you probably read about that. Contact ground now on 118.22, please.
18.22 xxx
Montgomey Tower, This is the 6632D on the ILS.
Duchess 6632D, Montgomey Tower, verify full stop.
Negative, low approach for 32D.
Roger, 32D, clear for low approach, right downwind departure is approved, report canceling.
Roger 32D
(Low Approachとは計器飛行の訓練です。Approachの練習でTouch Downはせず途中でアプローチをやめ上昇します。)
Tower, Cessna 2462P, just wants to confirm for 28 Left, report over Lake Murrays?
N-62P,SQUAWK 0400.
0400. 62P
62P, affirmative, make straight-in for 28 Left.
28 Left, uh, 62P.
Cess, Saratoga 33Z, taxi across xxx不明, contact ground.
Pass the 28 Left, then ground, 33Z.
Helicopter 60R, traffic over Lake Murray right now, may or may not be a factor, the Cessna doing for low approach.
I will be looking for that traffic, 60R.
Thank you.
Duchess 32D, I just get word from SoCAL that they approved your sencond approach, where is, what was your destination after this?
Hopely one more again, uh, 32D.
32D, Roger, still you can remain same code, still can cancel IFR, and, uh, VFR right downwind departure approved back to SoCAL.
Roger 32D.
Montgomey Tower, Ducthess 6013X, hold short runway 28 Right, west-bound departure.
xxx say again Calling sign
Duchess 6013X.
Duchess 13X, hold for one traffic.
Hold short, uh, 28 Right, 13X.
Tower, Cessna 3972V, over La Jolla, with Charlie, landing. (Mt. Soledadの近くのチェック・ポイント)
Cessna 2972V, Montgomey Tower, SQUWAK 0400, make left traffic, runway 28 Left.
Ces 72V, Roger that.
Helicopter 60R is on downwind for 23.
Helicopter 60R, thanks, for runway 23, cleared to land, clear remain north of runway 28 Right.
runway 23, cleared to land. Hey, did you hear some workout at Gillespie Field?
Montgomey Tower, Cessna 62P, uh, over xxx (レイクマン, Lake Murrayの事かも? 不明)
Cessna 62P, Thanks, for runway 28 Left, cleared to land.
cleared to land, 28 Left, 62P
Montgomey Tower、This is Cherokee 9454C, holding for 28 Right, uh, for East-bound departure.
East-baound departure, say again call sing again, please.
Cherokee 54C, thanks, number two for departure, stand-by, Dutchess 13X, runway 28 Right, cleared for takeoff.
Cleared for takeoff, 28 Right, 13X.
Montgomey Tower, Duchess 6632D, going xxx 不明 xxx (remain IFR?)
32D, Roger, right downwind departure approaved, when you are established (with that aircraft, they pass. ??)
uh, 32D
Cherokee 54C, runway 28 Right, cleared for takeoff.
54C, cleared for takeoff, 28 Right.
Wind, calm.
Montgomey Tower, Cessna 210BX, ready for takeoff, 28 Right, straight departure.
Cessna 210XB, Montgomey Tower, straight-out approved, runway 28 Right, cleared for takeoff.
0BX, cleared for takeoff.