Who else called Leesburg?
他に誰?がWho elseです。
Leesburg Tower, Skyhawk 285 Sierra Delta.
285 Sierra Delta, Leesburg.
Yes sir, 285 Sierra Delta is approximately 5 miles southeast from the field with the airport in sight. Like to do touch and go. (Inaudible) Is 13 the active?
13 is the active runway. The wind is well 120 at 3 and you’re southwest of the airport now?
No sir, east, southeast of the airport and my landing light on.
Landing LightをOn、点けたよ、、、
Okay, east southeast and ah, report joining a left downwind for runway 13
このJoiningはEnterの事で「Left Downwindに入った時」
Okay, report left downwind runway 13 Roger.
And Leesburg tower, Skyhawk 5 Sierra Delta (Inaudible)
Sierra Delta runway 13, cleared for touch and go. then East bound departure. Wind is 120 at 2.
Okay, 5 Sierra Delta, Skyhawk 5 Sierra Delta is cleared for the touch and go, runway 13 Leesburg, and then southeast departure.
And Leesburg tower, 5 Sierra Delta rolling (Inaudible)
5 Sierra Delta, Roger. Cleared for touch and go
53 Juliet, taxi to runway 13.
And Leesburg tower Skyhawk 5 Sierra Delta would like to leave frequency to contact Orlando Approach.
「would like to」 は〜したい。 Leave Frequecyは周波数から離れたいと直訳できますが、この場合は「Orlando Approachと交信したいから、周波数を変えても良いか?」と聞いてます。
Sierra Delta Roger, frequency change approved, Orlando approach is on 121.1
121.1, Roger sir.
53 Juliet runway 13 cleared for takeoff.
Attention all aircraft operating on or in the vicinity of the Leesburg airport. Time is 1900 Hours local. Leesburg tower is now closed.
ATC services are no longer available for today.
Class Delta airspace is cancelled. Class golf airspace is now in effect until 0700 hours tomorrow morning.
The common traffic advisory frequency at Leesburg is 119.35. Good evening.
ここで、Leesburg Towerが夕方の7時になったのでCloseになりました。その事を言ってます。次の日の朝7時までGolfになります。。。。などと言ってますがSectional Chartでは青い破線で囲まれてるので、正確にはClass Eと思うんですが、Special VFRって意味です。 AF/Dを見てもClass-Dとなってます
And tower, this is warrior 6853 Juliet, just wanted to say good evening and thanks. We landed the same time the city closed last night too. Thanks for your help. Have a goodnight.
Red one go ahead.
Yeah, It’s up to you now. So just monitor the frequency and heads up for traffic. Tower is closed now, as of 7 o’clock. I have no other traffic I’m aware of. That Cherokee that departed is the last aircraft I know in the vicinity of your area.
管制塔がCloseした後に交信したのでしょう。Towerは貴方次第、周波数を聞いて Trafficを良く見て(Heads UP)ね。Towerは7時にCloseしたよ。今の所、私が知っている範囲じゃ他の航空機は居ないけど。最後に離陸したチャロキー(Warrior)が貴方の近くに居るだけだと思う。
King Air 9 Whiskey Foxtrot departing Leesburg. (Inaudible) Will be southbound.
これはKing AirがLeesburgからNon-Tower空港として離陸しています。
END of TAPE 以上です。