El Monte Tower, helicopter, 70281, row 21, requesting east departure with papa
Helicopter 70281 El Monte tower, east bound departure approved, wind variable at 5, hover taxi to runway 19, cleared for takeoff
Runway 19, cleared for takeoff, helicopter 281
El Monte Tower, Seneca 60YX, holding short of 19, for left downwind departure
Seneca 60YX, El Monte Tower, hold short of runway 19
Hold short 19, 0YX
El Monte Tower, Med Flight 7, 5 miles to the northwest inbound for service
Seneca 0YX, left downwind departure approved, wind variable at 4, for runway
19, cleared for takeoff
19, cleared for takeoff, 0YX
Med-Flight 7, El Monte Tower, ....... intersection approved, El Monte altimeter 2996
2996, Med-Flight 7, thank you
El Monte Tower, Mooney 113N, holding short, departing to the east
Mooney 113N, El Monte Tower, traffic on the upwind a Seneca, left downwind
east bound departure approved, winds variable at 4, runway 19, cleared for takeoff
3N, cleared for east departure
Attention all aircraft, El Monte airport information Quebec current, winds variable at 4, visibility 50, few clouds at 5000, ceiling 7000 broken, altimeter 2996, runway 19 in use
El Monte Tower, Cessna 5338V, holding short 19, with a left downwind departure
Cessna 5338V, El Monte Tower, left downwind departure approved, traffic on upwind, a Mooney, eastbound departure, wind calm, runway.....standby
Cleared for takeoff for 19, 38V
Cessna 38V, El Monte Tower ....
3J, with you, just outside SELAW, request circle around departure
Cessna 38V, El Monte Tower, the Bellanca behind you advises that your nose gear appears to be flat.
Ah, roger, 38V
Bad, 38V, taxi over to Chad to take a look at it
Cessna 38V, roger, taxi into the turn out area, and taxi back to, correction, contact ground
Contact ground 38V
El Monte Tower, Yankee Whiskey 11, currently 10 miles to your west, San Bernardino Freeway, transition your airspace
Yankee Whiskey 11, El Monte Tower, say altitude and ident
Whiskey 11, currently 900 feet .......
El Monte Tower, Cherokee 9262J, ah with you, on final VOR, request circle around to land
Cherokee 9263J, El Monte Tower, ....... , report the field in sight
Affirmative 63J go ahead
Cherokee 63J, verify requesting circling west or east of the field
East of the field, 63J
Thank you 63J, roger, approved as requested, report downwind
Affirmative, will report downwind
Helicopter 28U, request frequency change
Helicopter 28U, approved as requested
El Monte Tower, Bellanca 39876, 19, ready for takeoff, left crosswind departure
Bellanca 39876, El Monte Tower, left crosswind departure approved, wind
variable at 4, runway 19, cleared for takeoff, turn crosswind north of the 10 freeway
Turn north of the 10, and east of the 605, cleared for takeoff 19
Whiskey 11, El Monte Tower, transition thru El Monte, altimeter 2996, remain south of the 10 freeway, traffic departing runway 19 now is a Bellanca, eastbound to turn east, north of the 10 freeway
Tower, Whiskey 11, will remain south of the 5, wilco
South of the 10
Seneca 0YX, say altitude please
Seneca 0YX, correction, frequency change approved
Frequency change approved, 0YX
38N, say altitude
Cherokee, 63J, wind calm, runway 19 cleared to land
Cherokee 63J, El Monte Tower, how do you hear
Ah, I’m with you now, 63J
63J, runway 19, cleared to land
Request touch and go’s, 63J
Cherokee 63J, standby
Cherokee 63J, wind variable at 5, runway 19, cleared for the option
Cleared for the option, thank you, 63J
Whiskey 11, resume own navigation, frequency change approved, good day
Whiskey 11, roger, switching
....... 76, resume own navigation, frequency change approved, good day