音声データ Torrance Tower ちょっと空間を減らしたオリジナル29分間 無音部分をカットの20分弱
Torrance Tower, Cardinal 35041 holding short 29R, number 3
Cardinal 35041, say direction of flight
Okay, we’ll be taking a right downwind going to Long Beach
Cardinal 041, thank you, I have the request
That will be a right downwind departure for Long Beach
Cardinal 4…correction 041, I have the request
Torrance Tower, Lifeguard 911RX on the ILS 29R
Lifeguard 911RX, Torrance Tower, runway 29R, cleared to land, there will be one, possibly two departures prior to your arrival
Cleared to land runway 29R, Lifeguard 1RX, roger
906Q, (inaudible) 120.9 exiting
104KS, minimum delay on the runway, runway 29R, cleared for immediate takeoff, and right turn is approved, the lifeguard King Air is on a 3 mile final
104KS, cleared for takeoff 29R, right turn is approved
104KS, affirmative, cleared for immediate takeoff
Katana 4KS, speed and altitude permitting, start your right turn
KS, turn crosswind
Lifeguard 1RX, left at Charlie, contact ground 120.9
Left turn at Charlie, call ground, Lifeguard 1RX
Bonanza 71B, traffic northwest field, a mile northwest bound, Katana, straight out approved 29R, cleared for takeoff
(Inaudible)94DS, traffic Bonanza on the roll will be straight out
041 Bonanza ahead, straight out, right downwind approved, runway 29R, cleared for take off
Cleared for takeoff, 041
4KS, contact Hawthorne tower, 121.1
Contact Hawthorne tower 121.1, 104KS, thank you
Good morning tower, banner tow 71D, 5 miles east of (inaudible) shoreline 1000 feet and we remain 3 miles north of the field
(Inaudible) 71D Approach, advisory requested, Torrance altimeter 2997
2997 (Inaudible) 71D
71B frequency change approved
71B, goo day, I’ll be back in a minute
And 71B, are you still with me, how far off shore is the, ah, marine layer
Ah, it’s just on the tip of the light house area, and, ah, it looks like it’s, ah, tops are probably about 800 feet
Thank you
And tower, 35041 switching to departure
Calling, breaking up, say again
35041, switching to departure
35041, 127.2 eastbound, have a good flight
Okay, 27.2, have a great day, 041
Torrance Tower, Cherokee 2699W (inaudible) right downwind departure
Aircraft, ah, calling, you’re breaking up, November 2691W Torrance Tower, right downwind approved, runway 29R, cleared for takeoff
2699W, sorry, I had my finger on the button (inaudible)
Cherokee 99W, thanks
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Torranceのチャートを見る (Sectional Chart ・ ILS Runway 29R ・ 空港図 Airport Diagarm)
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