FAAの筆記試験(Knowledge Exam)について。 : Privateの筆記試験について : PVTの問題へ : IFR、筆記の解説 : IFR問題へ
Private Pilot : 2007年 Airman Knowledge Test Question (Written Exam)
During operations outside controlled airspace at altitudes of more than 1,200 feet AGL, but less than 10,000 feet MSL, the minimum distance below clouds requirement for VFR flight at night is
A) 500 feet.
B) 1,000 feet.
C) 1,500 feet.
The minimum flight visibility required for VFR flights above 10,000 feet MSL and more than 1,200 feet AGL in controlled airspace is
A) 1 mile.
B) 3 miles.
C) 5 miles.
Who is responsible for ensuring Airworthiness Directives (AD's) are complied with?
A) Owner or operator.
B) Mechanic with inspection authorization (IA).
C) Repair station.
The airworthiness of an aircraft can be determined by a preflight inspection and a
A) review of the maintenance records.
B) statement from the owner or operator that the aircraft is airworthy.
C) log book endorsement from a flight instructor.
If an altimeter setting is not available before flight, to which altitude should the pilot adjust the altimeter?
A) The elevation of the nearest airport corrected to mean sea level.
B) The elevation of the departure area.
C) Pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature.
While operating in class D airspace, each pilot of an aircraft approaching to land on a runway served by a visual approach slope indicator (VASI) shall
A) maintain a 3° glide until approximately 1/2 mile to the runway before going below the VASI.
B) maintain an altitude at or above the glide slope until a lower altitude is necessary for a safe landing.
C) stay high until the runway can be reached in a power-off landing.
An aircraft`s annual condition inspection was performed on July 12, this year. The next annual inspection will be due no later than
A) July 1, next year.
B) July 13, next year.
C) July 31, next year.
Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, what is the minimum safe altitude for a pilot to operate an aircraft anywhere?
A) An altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.
B) An altitude of 500 feet above the surface and no closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
C) An altitude of 500 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 1,000 feet.
The final authority as to the operation of an aircraft is the
A) Federal Aviation Administration.
B) pilot in command.
C) aircraft manufacturer.
When must a pilot who deviates from a regulation during an emergency send a written report of that deviation to the Administrator?
A) Within 7 days.
B) Within 10 days.
C) Upon request.
Private Pilot Knowledge Test (Private Written Exam) 05/23/2007 :