FAAの筆記試験(Knowledge Exam)について。 : Privateの筆記試験について : PVTの問題へ : IFR、筆記の解説 : IFR問題へ
2008-09 Private Pilot Knowledge (Private Written) Exam 米国自家用操縦士筆記試験
251. PLT445
Which preflight action is specifically required of the pilot prior to each flight?
A) Check the aircraft logbooks for appropriate entries.
B) Become familiar with all available information concerning the flight.
C) Review wake turbulence avoidance procedures.
252. PLT444
In addition to other preflight actions for a VFR flight away from the vicinity of the departure airport,
regulations specifically require the pilot in command to
A) review traffic control light signal procedures.
B) check the accuracy of the navigation equipment and the emergency locator transmitter (ELT).
C) determine runway lengths at airports of intended use and the aircraft's takeoff and landing
distance data.
253. PLT414
Which aircraft has the right-of-way over the other aircraft listed?
A) Glider.
B) Airship.
C) Aircraft refueling other aircraft.
254. PLT414
What action is required when two aircraft of the same category converge, but not head-on?
A) The faster aircraft shall give way.
B) The aircraft on the left shall give way.
C) Each aircraft shall give way to the right.
255. PLT414
A seaplane and a motorboat are on crossing courses. If the motorboat is to the left of the seaplane,
which has the right-of-way?
A) The motorboat.
B) The seaplane.
C) Both should alter course to the right.
256. PLT161
What are the minimum requirements for airplane operations under special VFR in Class D airspace
at night?
A) The airplane must be under radar surveillance at all times while in Class D airspace.
B) The airplane must be equipped for IFR with an altitude reporting transponder.
C) The pilot must be instrument rated, and the airplane must be IFR equipped.
257. PLT376
A special VFR clearance authorizes the pilot of an aircraft to operate VFR while within Class D
airspace when the visibility is
A) less than 1 mile and the ceiling is less than 1,000 feet.
B) at least 1 mile and the aircraft can remain clear of clouds.
C) at least 3 miles and the aircraft can remain clear of clouds.
258. PLT161
An operable 4096-code transponder with an encoding altimeter is required in which airspace?
A) Class A, Class B (and within 30 miles of the Class B primary airport), and Class C.
B) Class D and Class E (below 10,000 feet MSL).
C) Class D and Class G (below 10,000 feet MSL).
259. PLT044
Unless otherwise authorized, two-way radio communications with Air Traffic Control are required for
landings or takeoffs
A) at all tower controlled airports regardless of weather conditions.
B) at all tower controlled airports only when weather conditions are less than VFR.
C) at all tower controlled airports within Class D airspace only when weather conditions are less
than VFR.
260. PLT366
Which incident requires an immediate notification to the nearest NTSB field office?
A) A forced landing due to engine failure.
B) Landing gear damage, due to a hard landing.
C) Flight control system malfunction or failure.
Private Pilot Knowledge Test (Private Written Exam) 2008年09月18日より出題
問題が削除されただけなので、CFI Japanでは大きく変わるまで3月分を中心に和訳と解説を続けます。