2008-06-26 Updateの問題
2008-06に新しいのがまた、また出ました。 しかし訂正された問題は微々たる量です。ここに特別ページとして、出題残しておきます。
70.(2008-06新問題) - PLT196 PVT 2008-06の新しい問題です。
Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) is the continuous broadcast of recorded information concerning
A) pilots of radar-identified aircraft whose aircraft is in dangerousproximity to terrain or to an obstruction.
B) nonessential information to reduce frequency congestion.
C) noncontrol information in selected high-activity terminal areas.
NEW-1 - PLT119 - 新しい問題集として問題が有ったそうですが、私では今回の訂正分の中には気が付きませんでした。
Pilots are encouraged to turn on their landing lights when operating below 10,000 feet, day or night, and when operating within
A- Class B airspace.
B- 10 miles of any airport.
C- 5 miles of a controlled airport.
426. - PLT101 (次の2問は2008年6月に訂正があった問題です。それでも問題自体は良いので両方とも答えられるようにして下さい。)
(Refer to figure 27, area 2.) The visibility and cloud clearance requirements to operate VFR during daylight hours over the town of Cooperstown between 1,200 feet AGL and 10,000 feet MSL are
A) 1 mile and clear of clouds.
B) 1 mile and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and 2,000 feet horizontally from clouds.
C) 3 miles and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and 2,000 feet horizontally from clouds.
426. - PLT101
(Refer to figure 27, area 2.) The visibility and cloud clearance requirements to operate VFR during daylight hours over the town of Cooperstown at or below 700 feet AGL are
A) 1 mile and clear of clouds.
B) 1 mile and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and 2,000 feet horizontally from clouds.
C) 3 miles and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and 2,000 feet horizontally from clouds.