FAAの筆記試験(Knowledge Exam)について。 : Privateの筆記試験について : PVTの問題へ : IFR、筆記の解説 : IFR問題へ
2008-09 Private Pilot Knowledge (Private Written) Exam 米国自家用操縦士筆記試験
431. PLT316
(Refer to figure 13.) According to the weather briefing, the most ideal time to launch balloons is
A) as soon as possible after 1300Z.
B) at 1500Z when the ground will be partially shaded.
C) at 2000Z when there is enough wind for cross-country.
432. PLT316
(Refer to figure 13.) According to the weather briefing, good balloon weather will begin to deteriorate
A) soon after 1300Z as the wind starts to increase.
B) about 1500Z when the lower scattered clouds begin to form.
C) at 2000Z due to sharp increase in wind conditions.
433. PLT072
(Refer to figure 15.) Between 1000Z and 1200Z the visibility at KMEM is forecast to be?
A) 1/2 statute mile.
B) 3 statute miles.
C) 6 statute miles.

Figure 15: TAF Terminal Forecast
434. PLT072
(Refer to figure 15.) What is the forecast wind for KMEM from 1600Z until the end of the forecast?
A) No significant wind.
B) Variable in direction at 6 knots.
C) Variable in direction at 4 knots.
435. PLT072
(Refer to figure 15.) In the TAF from KOKC, the 'FM (FROM) Group' is forecast for the hours from
1600Z to 2200Z with the wind from
A) 180° at 10 knots.
B) 160° at 10 knots.
C) 180° at 10 knots, becoming 200° at 13 knots.
436. PLT445
What should pilots state initially when telephoning a weather briefing facility for preflight weather
A) Tell the number of occupants on board.
B) Identify themselves as pilots.
C) State their total flight time.
437. PLT353
(Refer to figure 19, area D.) What is the direction and speed of movement of the cell?
A) North at 17 knots.
B) North at 17 MPH.
C) South at 17 knots.
438. PLT063
(Refer to figure 19, area B.) What is the top for precipitation of the radar return?
A) 24,000 feet AGL.
B) 24,000 feet MSL.
C) 2,400 feet MSL.
439. PLT353
What does the heavy dashed line that forms a large rectangular box on a radar summary chart refer
A) Areas of heavy rain.
B) Severe weather watch area.
C) Areas of hail 1/4 inch in diameter.
440. PLT173
What early morning weather observations indicate the possibility of good weather conditions for
balloon flight most of the day?
A) Clear skies and surface winds, 10 knots or less.
B) Low moving, scattered cumulus clouds and surface winds, 5 knots or less.
C) Overcast with stratus clouds and surface winds, 5 knots or less.
Private Pilot Knowledge Test (Private Written Exam) 2008年09月18日より出題
問題が削除されただけなので、CFI Japanでは大きく変わるまで3月分を中心に和訳と解説を続けます。