FAAの筆記試験(Knowledge Exam)について。 : Privateの筆記試験について : PVTの問題へ : IFR、筆記の解説 : IFR問題へ
2008-09 Private Pilot Knowledge (Private Written) Exam 米国自家用操縦士筆記試験
541. PLT250
What type fuel can be substituted for an aircraft if the recommended octane is not available?
A) The next higher octane aviation gas.
B) The next lower octane aviation gas.
C) Unleaded automotive gas of the same octane rating.
542. PLT112
During surface taxiing, the collective pitch is used to control
A) drift during a crosswind.
B) rate of speed.
C) ground track.
543. PLT112
During surface taxiing, the cyclic pitch stick is used to control
A) forward movement.
B) heading.
C) ground track.
544. PLT175
Which is a precaution to be observed during an autorotative descent?
A) Normally, the airspeed is controlled with the collective pitch.
B) Normally, only the cyclic control is used to make turns.
C) Do not allow the rate of descent to get too low at zero airspeed.
545. PLT259
Ground resonance is most likely to develop when
A) on the ground and harmonic vibrations develop between the main and tail rotors.
B) a series of shocks causes the rotor system to become unbalanced.
C) there is a combination of a decrease in the angle of attack on the advancing blade and an
increase in the angle of attack on the retreating blade.
546. PLT170
What is the procedure for a slope landing?
A) When the downslope skid is on the ground, hold the collective pitch at the same position.
B) Minimum RPM shall be held until the full weight of the helicopter is on the skid.
C) When parallel to the slope, slowly lower the upslope skid to the ground prior to lowering the
downslope skid.
547. PLT217
The proper action to initiate a quick stop is to apply
A) forward cyclic and lower the collective pitch.
B) aft cyclic and raise the collective pitch.
C) aft cyclic and lower the collective pitch.
548. PLT222
If possible, when departing a confined area, what type of takeoff is preferred?
A) A normal takeoff from a hover.
B) A vertical takeoff.
C) A normal takeoff from the surface.
549. PLT515
What service should a pilot normally expect from an En Route Flight Advisory Service (EFAS)
A) Actual weather information and thunderstorm activity along the route.
B) Preferential routing and radar vectoring to circumnavigate severe weather.
C) Severe weather information, changes to flight plans, and receipt of routine position reports.
550. PLT353
(Refer to figure 19, area E.) The top of the precipitation of the cell is
A) 16,000 feet AGL.
B) 16,000 feet MSL.
C) 25,000 feet MSL.

Private Pilot Knowledge Test (Private Written Exam) 2008年09月18日より出題
問題が削除されただけなので、CFI Japanでは大きく変わるまで3月分を中心に和訳と解説を続けます。