FAAの筆記試験(Knowledge Exam)について。 : Privateの筆記試験について : PVTの問題へ : IFR、筆記の解説 : IFR問題へ
2008-09 Private Pilot Knowledge (Private Written) Exam 米国自家用操縦士筆記試験
561. PLT448
What exception, if any, permits a recreational pilot to act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying
a passenger for hire?
A) If the passenger pays no more than the operating expenses.
B) If a donation is made to a charitable organization for the flight.
C) There is no exception.
562. PLT448
Under what conditions, if any, may a recreational pilot demonstrate an aircraft in flight to a
prospective buyer?
A) The buyer pays all the operating expenses.
B) The flight is not outside the United States.
C) None.
563. PLT448
A recreational pilot may act as pilot in command of an aircraft with a maximum engine horsepower
A) 160.
B) 180.
C) 200.
564. PLT448
When may a recreational pilot act as pilot in command of an aircraft at night?
A) When obtaining an additional certificate or rating under the supervision of an authorized
instructor, provided the surface or flight visibility is at least 1 statute mile.
B) When obtaining an additional certificate or rating under the supervision of an authorized
instructor, provided the surface or flight visibility is at least 3 statute miles.
C) When obtaining an additional certificate or rating under the supervision of an authorized
instructor, provided the surface or flight visibility is at least 5 statute miles.
565. PLT163
During daytime, what is the minimum flight visibility required for recreational pilots in controlled
airspace below 10,000 feet MSL?
A) 1 mile.
B) 3 miles.
C) 5 miles.
566. PLT448
A recreational pilot acting as pilot in command must have in his or her personal possession while
aboard the aircraft
A) a current logbook endorsement to show that a flight review has been satisfactorily accomplished.
B) a current logbook endorsement that permits flight within 50 nautical miles from the departure
C) the pilot logbook to show recent experience requirements to serve as pilot in command have
been met.
567. PLT448
May a recreational pilot act as pilot in command of an aircraft in furtherance of a business?
A) Yes, if the flight is only incidental to that business.
B) Yes, providing the aircraft does not carry a person or property for compensation or hire.
C) No, it is not allowed.
568. PLT442
If a recreational or private pilot had a flight review on August 8, this year, when is the next flight
review required?
A) August 8, 2 years later.
B) August 31, next year.
C) August 31, 2 years later.
569. PLT442
Each recreational or private pilot is required to have
A) a biennial flight review.
B) an annual flight review.
C) a semiannual flight review.
570. PLT448
How many passengers is a recreational pilot allowed to carry on board?
A) One.
B) Two.
C) Three.
Private Pilot Knowledge Test (Private Written Exam) 2008年09月18日より出題
問題が削除されただけなので、CFI Japanでは大きく変わるまで3月分を中心に和訳と解説を続けます。