41. - PLT023
What is absolute altitude?
A) The altitude read directly from the altimeter.
B) The vertical distance of the aircraft above the surface.
C) The height above the standard datum plane.
和訳 : 高度の説明
42. - PLT023
What is density altitude?
A) The height above the standard datum plane.
B) The pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature.
C) The altitude read directly from the altimeter.
和訳 : 高度の説明
43. - PLT166
(Refer to figure 7.) The proper adjustment to make on the attitude indicator during level flight is to
align the
A) horizon bar to the level-flight indication.
B) horizon bar to the miniature airplane.
C) miniature airplane to the horizon bar.
和訳 : 姿勢計について
44. - PLT132
(Refer to figure 7.) How should a pilot determine the direction of bank from an attitude indicator
such as the one illustrated?
A) By the direction of deflection of the banking scale (A).
B) By the direction of deflection of the horizon bar (B).
C) By the relationship of the miniature airplane (C) to the deflected horizon bar (B).
和訳 : 姿勢計について
45. - PLT215
In the Northern Hemisphere, if an aircraft is accelerated or decelerated, the magnetic compass will
normally indicate
A) a turn momentarily.
B) correctly when on a north or south heading.
C) a turn toward the south.
和訳 : 解説
46. - PLT215
In the Northern Hemisphere, a magnetic compass will normally indicate initially a turn toward the
west if
A) a left turn is entered from a north heading.
B) a right turn is entered from a north heading.
C) an aircraft is accelerated while on a north heading.
和訳 : 解説
47. - PLT215
During flight, when are the indications of a magnetic compass accurate?
A) Only in straight-and-level unaccelerated flight.
B) As long as the airspeed is constant.
C) During turns if the bank does not exceed 18°.
和訳 : 解説
48. - PLT215
In the Northern Hemisphere, the magnetic compass will normally indicate a turn toward the south
A) a left turn is entered from an east heading.
B) a right turn is entered from a west heading.
C) the aircraft is decelerated while on a west heading.
和訳 : 解説
49. - PLT187
(Refer to figure 5.) A turn coordinator provides an indication of the
A) movement of the aircraft about the yaw and roll axis.
B) angle of bank up to but not exceeding 30ー.
C) attitude of the aircraft with reference to the longitudinal axis.
和訳 : 解説
50. - PLT337
If the pitot tube and outside static vents become clogged, which instruments would be affected?
A) The altimeter, airspeed indicator, and turn-and-slip indicator.
B) The altimeter, airspeed indicator, and vertical speed indicator.
C) The altimeter, attitude indicator, and turn-and-slip indicator.
和訳 : 解説