621. - PLT175
Which is a precaution to be observed during an autorotative descent?
A) Normally, the airspeed is controlled with the collective pitch.
B) Normally, only the cyclic control is used to make turns.
C) Do not allow the rate of descent to get too low at zero airspeed.
622. - PLT259
Ground resonance is most likely to develop when
A) on the ground and harmonic vibrations develop between the main and tail rotors.
B) a series of shocks causes the rotor system to become unbalanced.
C) there is a combination of a decrease in the angle of attack on the advancing blade and an
increase in the angle of attack on the retreating blade.
623. - PLT170
What is the procedure for a slope landing?
A) When the downslope skid is on the ground, hold the collective pitch at the same position.
B) Minimum RPM shall be held until the full weight of the helicopter is on the skid.
C) When parallel to the slope, slowly lower the upslope skid to the ground prior to lowering the downslope skid.
624. - PLT217
The proper action to initiate a quick stop is to apply
A) forward cyclic and lower the collective pitch.
B) aft cyclic and raise the collective pitch.
C) aft cyclic and lower the collective pitch.
625. - PLT222
If possible, when departing a confined area, what type of takeoff is preferred?
A) A normal takeoff from a hover.
B) A vertical takeoff.
C) A normal takeoff from the surface.
626. - PLT497
Unless otherwise authorized, if flying a transponder equipped aircraft, a recreational pilot should
squawk which VFR code?
A) 1200.
B) 7600.
C) 7700.
627. - PLT064
(Refer to figure 27, area 2.) The day VFR visibility and cloud clearance requirements to operate
over the town of Cooperstown, after departing and climbing out of the Cooperstown Airport at or
below 700 feet AGL are
A) 1 mile and clear of clouds.
B) 1 mile and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and 2,000 feet horizontally from clouds.
C) 3 miles and clear of clouds.

Private - Airplaneの次は642問目です。
628. - PLT163
Outside controlled airspace, the minimum flight visibility requirement for a recreational pilot flying
VFR above 1,200 feet AGL and below 10,000 feet MSL during daylight hours is
A) 1 mile.
B) 3 miles.
C) 5 miles.
629. - PLT401
When, if ever, may a recreational pilot act as pilot in command in an aircraft towing a banner?
A) If the pilot has logged 100 hours of flight time in powered aircraft.
B) If the pilot has an endorsement in his/her pilot logbook from an authorized flight instructor.
C) It is not allowed.
630. - PLT467
With respect to daylight hours, what is the earliest time a recreational pilot may take off?
A) One hour before sunrise.
B) At sunrise.
C) At the beginning of morning civil twilight.