531. - PLT221
What would be a proper action or procedure to use if the pilot is getting too low on a cross-country
flight in a sailplane?
A) Continue on course until descending to 1,000 feet above the ground and then plan the landing
B) Fly directly into the wind and make a straight-in approach at the end of the glide.
C) Have a suitable landing area selected upon reaching 2,000 feet AGL, and a specific field chosen
upon reaching 1,500 feet AGL.
532. - PLT219
A pilot unintentionally enters a steep diving spiral to the left. What is the proper way to recover from
this attitude without overstressing the glider?
A) Apply up-elevator pressure to raise the nose.
B) Apply more up-elevator pressure and then use right aileron pressure to control the overbanking
C) Relax the back pressure and shallow the bank; then apply up-elevator pressure until the nose
has been raised to the desired position.
533. - PLT221
The sailplane has become airborne and the towplane loses power before leaving the ground. The
sailplane should release immediately,
A) and maneuver to the right of the towplane.
B) extend the spoilers, and land straight ahead.
C) and maneuver to the left of the towplane.
534. - PLT221
How are forward slips normally performed?
A) With the direction of the slip away from any crosswind that exists.
B) With dive brakes or spoilers fully open.
C) With rudder and aileron deflection on the same side.
535. - PLT221
An indication that the glider has begun a turn too soon on aerotow is that the
A) glider's nose is pulled to the outside of the turn.
B) towplane's nose is pulled to the outside of the turn.
C) towplane will pitch up.
536. - PLT304
What corrective action should the sailplane pilot take during takeoff if the towplane is still on the
ground and the sailplane is airborne and drifting to the left?
A) Crab into the wind by holding upwind (right) rudder pressure.
B) Crab into the wind so as to maintain a position directly behind the towplane.
C) Establish a right wing low drift correction to remain in the flightpath of the towplane.
537. - PLT502
(Refer to figure 56.) Which illustration is a signal that the glider is unable to release?
A) 8.
B) 10.
C) 11.
538. - PLT502
(Refer to figure 56.) Which illustration means the towplane cannot release?
A) 6.
B) 8.
C) 9.
539. - PLT502
(Refer to figure 56.) Illustration 3 means
A) stop operations.
B) release towline or stop engine now.
C) take up slack.

540. - PLT502
(Refer to figure 56.) Which illustration is a signal to stop operation?
A) 2.
B) 3.
C) 7.