Private Pilot : 2008年 Airman Knowledge Test Question (Written Exam)239
What is the specific fuel requirement for flight under VFR during daylight hours in an airplane? A) Enough to complete the flight at normal cruising speed with adverse wind conditions. B) Enough to fly to the first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 30 minutes at normal cruising speed. C) Enough to fly to the first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed. 飛行機で昼間に有視界飛行する際、搭載しなくては行けない燃料の量は。 飛行機で昼間にVFRで飛行する際、搭載しなくては行けない燃料の量は。 specific 特定の、明白な、決められた
Private Pilot Knowledge Test (Private Written Exam) 2008年03月18日より出題